Job Openings

Postdoctoral Fellow (open)

A 2-4 years post-doctoral position to analyze multimodality neuroimaging data (including PET, but mainly MRI), with a goal of detecting and quantifying early neural injury due to neurodegeneration. The research team includes Cognitive Neuroscientist, Clinical Psychologist, Medical Doctor, and Neurologist.

The successful applicant should have a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Neuropsychology, or a related field; experience with fMRI experimental design and analysis is not required but highly desired; a strong mathematical/programming skill is highly desired; and a track record of research productivity. 

Preference will be given to individuals with a strong computational background. 

Research Assistant & Lab Manager (filled)

The Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory at Georgetown University Medical Center is seeking to hire one full time research assistant starting ASAP.  

This position involves recruiting and testing participants with HIV-disease and Alzheimer's disease (plus healthy controls). We are looking for someone who is a person of integrity, honest, hardworking, organized, and willing to spend a big chunk of time with subject recruitment and testing. We will provide training with neuropsychological testing, MRI data collection and analysis, as well as manuscript preparation. 

Job Requirements  

-A bachelor's degree in psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, physics, or social science.  

-Must be able to work effectively with others, and be very organized, self-motivated, independent, and able to multitask efficiently.  

-Strong communication skill is essential; previous experience with patient population is a plus.  

-Strong math and computer skills (e.g., MATLAB, Linux) and programming experience are not required, but desired if you are also interested in learning how to analyze MRI data.  

-A minimum commitment of two years  

This position is ideal for someone interested in neuroscience, especially neurodegenerative disease, and neuroimaging. The research team includes neuroscientists, neurologists, clinical psychologists, and medical doctors. The research assistant will receive intense training from our local team at Georgetown University and our collaborators at UCSD and other institutes, and will work closely with Dr. Jiang and a postdoctoral fellow in the lab.

Part-Time Research Assistant/Programmer (filled)

The Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory is looking for a part-time student (15 hours per week), at either graduate or undergraduate (junior or senior) level. 

Job Requirements

-Great programming skill is essential, familiar with Matlab or Python is strongly desired

-Familiar with CUDA programming

-A minimum of 15 hours per week

-Good interpersonal skill is desired

-Competitive compensation (based on experience and program skill)

If interested, please send your CV, a sample of your code (a class project is fine), and name and contact of two references to Dr. Xiong Jiang.

Part-Time Undergraduate Research Assistants (filled)

The Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab at Georgetown University Medical Center is looking for motivated undergraduate students to work under a multidisciplinary environment. The lab's research focuses on studying human brain function and dysfunction using brain imaging and behavioral testing.  We are particularly interested in students who are planning to pursue MD, or PhD in  Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurology, Neuroscience, Psychology, or a related field.


5-10 hours work time per week is needed

Detail oriented

Well organized

If interested, please send your CV and personal statement to Crai, a sample of your code (a class project is fine), and name and contact of two references to Dr. Xiong Jiang.

Please send applications to xiong [dot] jiang [at] georgetown [dot] edu. Send a cover letter with a statement of interest, CV, and the names and email addresses of three professional references.