
Specific primary documents and questions will be assigned to augment topics discussed in lecture. Please see below or the lecture schedule for specific dates. Each response must be 1-2 or 2-3 pages long depending on the topic. Responses are worth 15 or 20 points depending on length. Discussions are due during class and students must specifically refer to the documents to receive full credit. Please cite using in-text citations (p. 27) or footnotes. Failure to include citations will result in a loss of points.

1 - Enlightenment, 11 Sept (2-3 pages)

Condorcet, Future Progress of the Human Mind

Hume, On the Dignity of Human Nature

Locke, Theory of Knowledge, p. 113

Paine, Essays on Religion (just read the section titled "Biblical Blasphemy")

Paine, On The Religion of Deism

Locke, Letters Concerning Toleration, p. 39

Rousseau, Social Contract

1. What do these writers assume about human nature?

2. What do they see as the problems with Christianity?

3. Where do Rousseau's ideas agree and disagree with traditional American understandings of rights and the role of government?

2 - Guaranteed Rights, 18 Sept (in class only)

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

US Bill of Rights

1. Where do these documents agree and disagree with each other?

3 - Radical Revolution, 25 Sept. (2 pages)

Robespierre, Speech on Terror

Declaration of the Rights of Women

Etta Palm D'Aelders, Discourse on the Injustice of Laws in Favor of Men (to be handed out)

Society of the Friends of Blacks, Address to the National Assembly (to be handed out)

Bonaparte, Writings and Sayings

1. What ideas is Robespierre espousing to support the Terror?

2. The French Revolution in many ways is a reflection of the Enlightenment ideas though taken to an extreme. What ideas in the next 3 documents resemble Enlightenment ones and where have they departed from these ideals?

3. Where does Napoleon agree and disagree with revolutionary ideas? What does he mean by the difference between liberty and equality?

4 - Conservative Response - Sept 30 (in class only)

Pope Pius IX , Syllabus of Errors

Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France

Metternich, Carlsbad Decrees

Metternich, Confession of Faith

1. Conservatives, by definition, tend to value tradition and are suspicious of radical, new ideas. Identify the conservative approaches in these documents. What do these authors see as the problems with Enlightenment and liberal ideas?

5. Industrial Revolution - 7 Oct (2 pages)

Evidence Given Before the Sadler committee

Gaskell, Mary Barton

Chadwick's Report on Sanitary Conditions

Workhouse Rules, p. 134

Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population

Self Help, p. 240

Ricardo, Iron Law of Wages

1. What attitudes towards the workers/poor are expressed in these documents?

2. Why do some of these writers oppose reform?

6. Liberalism - 14 Oct (in class)

Mill, On Liberty

1.Why is freedom of speech and opinion so important to Mill? What specific 4 things are to be gained by honoring this tenet?

7. Women's Movement - 26 Oct (2 pages)

Tristen, Why I mention Women

Beeton, Book of Household Management

Pankhurst, Why We are Militant

Gender and Ideology: Conservatism, p. 128

Gender and Ideology: Liberalism, 136

1. Looking at the documents, why should women not be granted more rights and opportunities?

2. How are these statements countered in the other documents?

8. Responses to Industrialization- 2 Nov (2 pages)

Tristan, Two Essays

Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Gambetta, Two Speeches

Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism

Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum

Fourier, Theory of Social Organization

As the Industrial Revolution continued in the nineteenth century, reformers were horrified by its influence. Identify the issues of special concern to these writers. What do they propose as solutions to these problems?

9. Nationalism - 9 Nov (in class)

Madame de Stael, Three Essays

Mazzini, The Duties of Man

Renan, What is a Nation?

Hungarian Declaration of Independence

Nationalism, p. 208

Fitche, To the German Nation

1. How des de Stael differentiate between these different groups? What are their unique characteristics?

2. Looking at these documents, what is nationalism and how will it change Europe?

10. The Challenge of New Ideas - 23 Nov (2 pages)

Darwin, The Origin of Species

1. What objections does he identify and how does he respond to these?

2. Where does creationism (as Darwin defines this term) have problem according to this document?

11. Imperialism – 2 Dec (in class)

Spencer, Social Growth

Morel, King Leopold's Rule in Africa

King Leopold's Investigative Commission

Kipling, The White Man's Burden

Europeans in Africa, p. 274, 75

Technology and Empire, p. 280

Ferry, On French Colonialism

1. What arguments are given in support of Imperialism?

2. What are some of the influences of this movement as seen in the documents?