NOW Available for Seniors

2024 Misc Scholarships


Calendar of College Representatives visiting the high school.

You must sign up on Naviance in order to attend a college visit. Visits will occur during WIN block. 

See your guidance counselor if you are having trouble logging into Naviance, or finding the college visit list.

Everything MEFA  Click here for MEFA Information.

Financial aid updates

National Honors Society After School Tutoring Program

Hello team! As we begin this year, I wanted to let everyone know about an amazing service offered by Groton-Dunstable's National Honors Society. For the past several years, NHS has held after school tutoring sessions run by select upperclassman students. Many of these students have taken the same classes that many of you are in right now and know how to help! If you are interested in participating, please fill out the survey below and we will be sure to get back to you soon! This survey will be left open year-round. If you have any other questions, feel free to email Abby Burgess ( Let's have an epic school year!    

Click here to request homework assistance.


As required by law, we are passing along the following information regarding selective service registration.Virtually all male U.S. citizens, regardless of where they live, and male immigrants, whether documented or undocumented, residing in the United States, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service. 
The law says men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. That means men are required to register with Selective Service sometime during the 30 days before their 18th birthday, their 18th birthday, and the following 29 days after their 18th birthday – that is a 60-day registration period.Men who do not register with Selective Service within the 60-day window are technically in violation of the law and should register as soon as possible. Late registrations are accepted up to the 26th birthday. However, once a man reaches his 26th birthday and still has not registered with Selective Service, it is too late!It’s important to know that even though a man is registered, he will not automatically be inducted into the military. Registering with Selective Service does not mean you are joining the military.
In a crisis requiring a draft, men would be called in a sequence determined by random lottery number and year of birth. Then, they would be examined for mental, physical, and moral fitness by the military before being deferred or exempted from military service or inducted into the Armed Forces.


If your child is a student at GDRHS, they may come to the office during school hours to obtain their work permit. If your child does not attend GDRHS, you can make an appointment to go to the Superintendent's Office 978-448-5505.

Please make sure to bring in the completed paperwork (the link is below), and proof of age (birth certificate, or passport, or physical driver’s license (learner’s permits are not acceptable).  

Youth employment permit application 

Youth Employment Permit Process.