Contact Information

Florence Roche Elementary School

342 Main Street,   Groton, MA 01450 

Maureen Cahill

978 448 6665 ext 4123

Meghan Sullivan

978 448 6665 ext 4108

Liz Gonzalas

978 448 6665 ext 4122

School Counselors assist students at all levels, acting as advocates for students' well-being and adjustment to school. We listen to concerns about academics, personal concerns and emotional or social challenges. We seek to find strategies and solutions that work for each individual in order to promote student success. Some of what we do:

We need elementary school counselors because: 

Florence Roche Social-Emotional Learning:

Each classroom receives a developmentally appropriate lesson touching on a variety of issues every month. The lesson is the same for the entire grade, and subject matter is targeted to improve the social-emotional functioning and awareness of our students.