Reading Logs

A reading log will be sent home with your child. This nightly reading program is designed to foster not only a love of reading but also help parents guide their child toward becoming more fluent and confident oral readers. This daily focus on reading is important toward developing and mastering early literacy skills. The logs are to be kept in your child’s folder as you add your entries. Please use this form to document what you’ve read with your child, and for how long, as well as how much time your child spends reading orally to you. Please take time each evening to sit with your child to insure that they are tracking words correctly (level D and below), focusing on sight words, and using the reading skills they’ve learned. Stop occasionally to check for understanding as they read, by discussing what has happened in the story so far.

Our goal is to have students read some each day, with a minimum of 220 minutes each month. Students who meet this goal, during the months of October through March, will receive a Book-It certificate for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. In addition, our classroom will have additional incentives for everyone who meets this goal.

First grade is an exciting year, filled with tremendous amounts of growth. The support you give your children at home has a profound impact on their learning and success in school. I appreciate all that you do, to help your children grow as readers and life-long learners.