Class Information

Discipline and Reward Policy

Discipline Plan

2023-2024 School Year

Claire Ucler (3A)


The class alongside the teacher created a social contract that we all agreed upon. If students choose to break the social contract the consequences are the following:  

1) Redirection to follow the social contract. Students will be verbally asked the four questions from Capturing Kids’ Hearts (What are you doing?, What are you supposed to be doing?, Are you doing it?, What are you going to do about it?).

2) If misbehavior continues, students will be asked to complete a written reflection on how they broke their social contract. Students will also have to include a plan on how they will change their behavior in the classroom.

3) Phone call home to their parents to create a plan on how to support the student in the classroom.

4) Violation form will be completed if steps 1 through 3 have shown to be unsuccessful.


Classroom Rewards:

Student are rewarded both individually, and as a group.  On top of verbal praise, students also have the ability to earn PBIS points. These points can then be used to pick a prize from the prize basket at each 25 point interval. They will also be able to use these points at our monthly school store.

Students will also have the ability to earn rewards as groups/teams. Throughout the week the students earn points for exhibiting the selected IB trait for the week (e.g. principled, reflective, etc). At the end of the week the team with the highest points will be able to choose from the prize basket.