
Fibonacci Spiral

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

With any luck, this Home page will be useful again before the end of the year!

Please select the appropriate course for better details. Thanks.

Fall 2019 Spring 2020

Mod 1 Planning Mod 1 Planning

Mod 2 Geometry YR Mod 2 Geometry YR

Mod 3 Trig/PreCalc Mod 3 Trig/PreCalc

Mod 4A Accelerated Geometry Mod 4B Accelerated Geometry

Mod 5 Geometry Mod 5 Accelerated Geometry

Resource ARC Resource ARC


I offer after school tutoring to any student having difficulty in my classes (usually 2:40 - 3:30).

I believe that the one-on-one time spent in a few tutoring sessions can be extremely helpful to

those students uncomfortable asking for help during class.

Currently my tutoring days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Please make arrangements with me prior to showing up for tutoring, as occasionally I have other

school, club, and departmental obligations.