
Major: Chemical Engineering

Minor: Chemical Process Engineering and Environment

Scientific Title

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications

PhD Chemical Engineering (Chemical Process Engineering and Environment ), INPT, University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Toulouse - France, 2013

M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad - Iraq, 1995

B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad - Iraq, 1992

Languages: English, French, Kurdish, and Arabic

Date of First Employment: 5/9/2004

Period of Service: 18 years

+ 4 years as a Lecturer at University of 7th April, Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Sabratha, Libya (1998 - 2002).

Thanks & Recognition 33 times:

    • Two from Ministry of Higher Education.

    • Nineteen from presidency of universities Garmian and Salahaddin-Erbil.

    • Twelve from deaneries of colleges Education, Human Science and Engineering.

Technical & Software Skills

    • LDV (Laser Doppler Velocimetry)

    • PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)

    • MATLAB

    • Advanced Excel Applications & XLSTAT

    • STOAT (WRcplc)

    • Design-Expert Software (Stat-Ease)

    • WatPro (Hydromantis)

    • Aspen HYSYS

    • COMSOL Multiphysics

    • ArcGIS

    • OriginLab

Supervising Higher graduate students

    • One PhD Dissertation (Soil Contamination)

    • One MA Thesis (Urban Water Systems)


    • 5th International Scientific Conference of Water in Kurdistan Region; Problems and Solutions, University of Sulaimani, 23-24 April 2019, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq

    • 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Technology, SU-ICEIT, 14-16 April 2019, Erbil, Iraq.

    • 6th Scientific Conference of Pure & Applied Sciences, University of Garmian, 10-11 April 2019, Kalar, Sulaimaniyah Province, Iraq.

    • 1st Scientific Meeting of the College of Human Sciences, University of Garmian, 6-7 April 2019, Khanaqin, Iraq

    • 4th International Conference of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Garmian, 25-26 June 2018, Kalar, Sulaimaniyah Province, Iraq

    • 2nd International Conference of College of Human Science, University of Garmian, 15th May 2017, Khanaqin, Iraq

    • 1st International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Technology, SU-ICEIT 2016, 12-14 April 2016, Erbil, Iraq.

    • 2nd Conference for Pure and Applied Sciences, Garmian University, 6-7 May 2015, Kalar, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

    • 1st Scientific Conference of Faculty of Human Sciences, Garmian University, 20 May 2014, Khanaqin, Iraq

    • 14th European Conference on Mixing, 10-13 September 2012, Warsaw, Poland

    • 20th Water Information Conference, 25-27 September 2012, Poitier, France

    • 1st Scientific Conference for Chemical Pollutants, Chemistry Department, College of Science, Al-Mustansirriyah University, 9-10 November 2005, Baghdad, Iraq

Training Courses

    • SPSS Training Course, College of Education, University of Diyala & College of Human Sciences, University of Garmian, 13-15 November 2018, Khanaqin, Iraq.

    • Personal and Professional Development Plan Workshop, 18/3/2013, Ed-MEGEP, Toulouse, France

    • Vendre sa thèse face à un recruteur, 1/2/2013, PROGRESS Pour Consultation En Ressources humaines, Toulouse, France

    • Système de management des risques organisation humaine et technique, 9-10/2/2012, Ed-MEGEP, Toulouse, France

    • (HLPC) High Performance Liquid Chromatography, LGC, INP, 22/2/2011, Toulouse, France

    • Agitation and Mixing, INP, 6-8/10/2010, Toulouse, France

    • Teaching Methods, University of Sulaymani, College of Education,1-30/10/2008, Kalar, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq.

    • Assessment and Environmental Evaluation of Contaminated Sites, Ministry of Environment, 1-14/1/2006, Baghdad, Iraq.

    • Environmentally Sound Technologies for Drinking Water Provision. From 12-29/5/2005 Osaka, Japan.

    • Air Pollution by Emissions from Industry, Ministry of Environment 9/2005, Baghdad, Iraq

    • Thermal Cracking in Oil Refining Process, Zwetina oil refining company from 1-10/4/2001, Tripoli, Libya

    • Petroleum Refining Process Using Catalysts, Azzawia & Zwetina oil refining companies in from 6-26/3/2001 Tripoli, Libya.