Breakout Sessions by Track

The "Church" track is primarily for pastors, youth pastors, staff ministers, worship leaders/planners, and AV technicians. This diverse set of sessions covers presentation and Bible study software, multimedia tools, and all things used to create a rich worship experience.

The "Communication" track is for those who would like to learn about current technology that can aid your outreach and member conversations. Email, video and branding strategies are offered.

Office & Productivity

The "Office & Productivity" track is our most narrow, but focused track. These sessions will help those interested in fine tuning their office or personal workflows with Church Management software, forms, calendaring and note taking. Very practical tips will help participants walk away equipped with stewardship-focused timesaving tools to use tomorrow.

The "Outreach" track is primarily for pastors, evangelism committee members, or those interested in using technology to share their faith. Examples from outreach efforts around the world will inspire new ideas and thanksgiving for how God is working through things like mobile applications and websites.

The "School" track is designed for teachers, school administrators, and technology coordinators. Technology tools and techniques have transformed 21st century learning. Hear from thought leaders who have explored these new trends in education including Google Classroom, Distance/Online Learning, Student Blogs, Technology Planning and ChristLight.

The "System Administration" track caters to those responsible for maintaining infrastructure and equipment, or providing end user support at their church, school or organization. Privacy, security and tricks to lessen the burden of system/network administration will provide attendees help for this sometimes challenging responsibility.

The "Tools" track is a collection of software and online applications that help create music, podcasts, images, bookmarks, and more. There's a tool for almost everything. These problem solving sessions make challenging ministry tasks easier.

The "Web" track is more than just websites. It includes live streaming, social media, intranets, and mobile. If you are responsible for "putting stuff online" for your organization this track will provide great tools, techniques and tips to help. And of course there is website stuff.