It is rightly said that law is a perfect mirror of an imperfect society and it is the law which sketches the essential difference between animal and human life. Undoubtedly, it is admitted that legal education in any country plays a vital role in promoting social justice and therefore, law professionals & academicians are called “Social Engineers”. The laws of any country lay the foundation of peace and order, and ensure progress and safety in all aspects of citizens’ lives in the areas of business, education, travel, health, and recreation. A good legal system is accountable for the safety and security of its citizens and is paramount for progress in any society. It is equally important that those who are given the responsibility to ensure law, order and justice, have the courage to uphold the rights of all citizens.

Legal education encourages perfection of expression, clarity in arguments and discussion and the ability to explain the written words and give an approach to understand the social values. So, 'Law acts as the cementing ingredient of society and an essential medium for social change. Educators of law thus, possess the task of not only shaping each and every generation of legal practitioners into knowledgeable and responsible agents but also sensitize on the study of issues which surrounds the practice of law and its implementation across jurisdictions.

Keeping this aim in mind to promote legal studies, this conference will pinpoint the legal, socio-economic and commercial challenges faced by the legal profession and provide an opportunity to exchange information and learn from the proceedings. Delegates from all over the country will have an opportunity to network, exchange views & experiences and find possible solutions for many of the current legal issues in the international and national sphere.