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Scientific Publications

* indicates undergraduate co-author. 

The P. falciparum alternative histones Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are dynamically acetylated and antagonized by PfSir2 histone deacetylases at heterochromatin boundaries

Azizan S, Selvarajah SA, Tang J, Jeninga MD, Schulz D, Pareek K, Herr T, Day KP, De Koning-Ward TF, Petter M, Duffy MF. 2023. mBio. 2023 Oct 26:e0201423. doi: 10.1128/mbio.02014-23

Chemical Inhibition of Bromodomain Proteins in Insect-Stage African Trypanosomes Perturbs Silencing of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein Repertoire and Results in Widespread Changes in the Transcriptome. 

   Ashby, EC, Havens, JL, Rollosson, LM, Hardin, J, Schulz, D. 2023 Apr 25:e0014723. Microbiology Spectrum. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00147-23

Genomic occupancy of the bromodomain protein Bdf3 is Dynamic during differentiation of African trypanosomes from bloodstream to procylic forms.       

*Ashby E, *Paddock L, *Betts HL, *Liao J, *Miller G, *Porter A, *Rollosson LM, *Saada C, Tang E, *Wade SJ, Hardin J, Schulz D. 2022. mSphere. 2022 Jun 1:e0002322. doi: 10.1128/msphere.00023-22. pdf.

A Trypanosoma brucei ORFeome-Based Gain-of-Function Library Identifies Genes That Promote Survival during Melarsoprol Treatment pdf

      Carter, M, Gomez, S, Gritz, S, *Larson, S, Silva-Herzog, E, Kim, H, Schulz, D, Hovel-Miner, G. 2020. 

      mSphere. Oct 7;5(5):e00769-20.doi:10.1128/mSphere.00769-20.  

Identification of clinically approved small molecules that inhibit growth and promote surface remodeling in the African trypanosome. pdf 

    *Walsh, ME, *Naudzius, EM, *Diaz, SJ, *Wismar, TW, *Martchenko, M, Schulz, D.  2020. PLoS  Neglected Tropical Disease. 

      Mar 13;14(3):e0007790. eCollection 2020 Mar doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007790. 

You can find the HMC writeup from this work at this  website.

Detection of Variant Surface Glycoprotein switching by magnetic activated cell sorting and flow cytometry. pdf  

        Schulz, D, Mugnier, MR, Boothroyd, CE, Papavasiliou, FN. 2016. Journal of Visual Experiments, J. Vis. Exp. (116), e54715. 

        for the video of this paper, please see this post in the news section           


The VEXing problem of monoallelic expression in the African trypanosome. pdf

        Schulz, D, Papavasiliou, F.N. 2016. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jun 17. pii: 201608546 

Vesicles as Vehicles for Virulence pdf

        Mugnier, MR, Papavasiliou, FN, Schulz, D. 2016 Trends Parasitol. Jun;32(6):435-6. doi: 10.1016

Base J and H3.V regulate transcriptional termination in Trypanosoma brucei pdf

        Schulz, D, Papavasiliou, FN, Kim, HS. PLoS Genet 12(1): e1005762. 

Bromodomain Proteins Contribute to Maintenance of Bloodstream Form Stage Identity in the African Trypanosome. pdf

        Schulz D, Mugnier MR, Paulsen E-M, Kim H-S, Chung C-wW, Tough DF, et al. 2016. PLoS Biol 13(12): e1002316.

A host-pathogen interaction reduced to first principles: antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei. pdf

        Hovel-Miner G, Mugnier M, Papavasiliou FN, Pinger J, Schulz D. 2015. Springer, Results Probl Cell Differ. 57:23-46.

Gfi1 and Gfi1b repress Rag transcription in plasmacytoid dendritic cells in vitro.pdf

        Chow, KT, Schulz, D, McWhirter, SM, Schlissel, MS. 2013. PLOS One. Sep 24;8(9)e75891.

Gfi1b negatively regulates Rag expression directly and via the repression of FoxO1.pdf

        Schulz, D, Vassen L, Chow, K Amin RA, Moroy, T, Schlissel MS. 2012. Journal of Experimental Medicine, Jan 16;209(1):187-99

A Histone Code for Regulating V(D)J recombination. pdf

        Schlissel, MS, Schulz, D, Vettermann, C. 2009. Molecular Cell, Jun 26;34(6):639-40.

Chromosomal reinsertion of broken RSS ends during T cell development. pdf

        Curry, JD, Schulz, D, Guidos, CJ, Danska JS, Nutter, L, Nussenzweig A, Schlissel MS. 2007. J Ex Med, 204(10):2293-303

CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) and cohesin influence the genomic architecture of the Igh locus and antisense transcription in pro-B cells. pdf

        Degner SC, Verma-Gaur J, Wong TP, Bossen C, Iverson GM, Torkamani A, Vettermann C, Lin YC, Ju Z, Schulz D, et al. 2011

        Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jun 7;108(23):9566-71

New Functions of Ctf18-RFC in Preserving Genome Stability outside Its Role in Sister Chromatid Cohesion. pdf

        Gellon, L, Razidlo, DF, Gleeson, O, Verra, L, Schulz, D, Robert S. Lahue, Freudenreich, CH. 2011. PLOS Genetics: 7(2): e1001298. 

Melting behavior of poly(butyleneterephthalate) and its blends with polycarbonate.

        Cebe P, N Gilfoy, J Roberge, K Lewis, K Egan, and ED Schulz. 2001. Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering, 84, 541.

Popular Science Articles

From Dust to Dawn, How Solar Systems Arise. Schulz, D. 2008 Berkeley Science Review. link

A Celestial Symphony. An interview with astrophysics professor Chung-Pei Ma. Schulz, D. 2007. Berkeley Science Review. link

Education Articles

Incorporating Programming, Modeling and Data Analysis into an Introductory Biology Course.

Bush, E., Adolph, S, Donaldson-Matasci, M, Hur, J, Schulz, D. 2021. Journal of College Science Teaching—

January/February 2021 (Volume 50, Issue 3)