Resources & Policies

Resources! Please prepare your students for school by purchasing the following items for the year ahead. These items I will ask for by Friday, August 31, 2018, if at all possible. I will put this in a letter I am giving your student on the first day of school.


1. 1.5-inch WHITE three-ring binder with pockets and the ability to insert paper in the front and back. See the image below!

2. A packet of pencils -- at least 8 but more is appreciated!

3. Tabbed dividers for your student's binder - any kind they like!

4. Lined paper and graph paper (perhaps 50 sheets of each) would be helpful!

I am looking forward to a great year! Thanks for your help!


  • Come to class prepared (with all assignments complete, pencil and paper available, great attitude).
  • No unnecessary disruptions to class behavior - stay on task, interact appropriately with peers, ask questions, learn
  • Minimal restroom breaks for emergencies only. Students should use the restroom before or after class
  • Stay in seat during teacher-led instruction; procedures for "normal" things that cause an interruption will be specified in the first week (e.g., pencil breaks, paper needed, restroom needed, etc.)
  • No use of cellular or electronic devices without teacher approval
  • Seek my help! Don't delay on something you don't understand! Work towards graduation!


  • Entry procedures will be outlined the beginning of the week, but they consist generally of:
    • Come to class on time.
    • Turn off or store your cellular phone in the bins provided.
    • If you come to class on time you may charge your electronic devices in the bins provided, otherwise they must be put away in your backpacks until the end of class, unless otherwise directed.
    • Drop off homework in the required box. (Note: unless otherwise specified, all homework shall be placed in the inbox by NLT the end of the school day or it will be counted late.)
    • Pick up handouts for that day's class.
    • Pick up binder from the binder shelves located in the back of the classroom. (Note: Binders will not leave the classroom and will be used to store student work, etc. Students may remove items from the binder but the binders themselves will remain in the classroom.)
    • Pick up text book from the bottom shelves in the same location.
    • Move to assigned seat, store items under desk, look at the board for the warmup assignment, and begin working as directed.
  • Exit procedures will generally consist of the following actions:
    • Teacher will let students know they may prepare to depart. Normally this is about 2-to-3 minutes before the bell. Students will remain in their seats until so notified.
    • Students will return their text books and binders to the shelves in the back of the classroom.
    • Students will collect any electronic devices from the bins, if applicable.
    • Students will, if notified to prepare for departure, will leave AFTER the bell has rung, unless otherwise instructed.
    • Students will not depart the classroom until the teacher indicates it is time to depart. The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does. If students are asked to wait until released, they shall not depart if the bell rings.
  • There will be other procedures (asking for assistance, supplies, restrooms, etc.) that will be covered in class.


I invite my students to come to my classroom for tutoring in the afternoons on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday after school until 5:00 PM. Informally, I will be in my classroom in the mornings for early work, and will be happy to answer questions (as I am able) until the start of school. I have hallway duty on Tuesday mornings so will never be in my classroom on Tuesdays from 8:15 to 8:35 AM. However, students can come find me downstairs (remember my room is D-208) near the administration office if they have quick questions for me!


Although my hope is for my students to understand processes and get some insight into how they can use mathematics in this great world that we live in, there is still the need to ensure that students have demonstrated they have received that insight and can do it in the future. So we have grading....

My grading policy, of course, aligns with Comal ISD's grading policy (see below.) Here are some highlights:

Progress Reports - these are to inform students, parents/guardians, and campus administrators regarding your student's progress. These are accomplished formally every nine weeks, however you will receive an electronic progress report at the 3rd week point. This report should not be a surprise to you -- your student should be talking to you on occasion on their good and poor performance at school. However, I will help them by sending a report home if they are not succeeding.

Online Records - TxGradebook Portal! Check the portal weekly! I plan on having grades updated in FULL by Sunday afternoon. An "M" or "m" in the gradebook means that your student has not turned in an assignment and it is worth the same as a "0"... a lot of missing work means a lot of zeros. If you see this, please take action! Please talk to me and talk to your student. For many of my students it is GRADUATION YEAR, so let's work together to make this happen.

Nine Week Averages - These will be calculated on a percentage system, and the first two "nine week" periods will be completed by Christmas.

Grading Categories for Pre-AP Algebra II - You should see at least two daily grades and a combination of 5 quizzes and major grades in each nine-week period for my classes. (Note the district requires at LEAST 8-to-10 assignments in TxGradebook.)

Daily Work and Homework = 20%

Quizzes and Common Assessments = 35%

Major Grades and Projects = 45%.

Note: Grading guidelines for DC College Algebra will follow the Saint Philips College policy.

Academic Dishonesty (cheating) - may result in academic and behavioral consequences. This means a possible "0" with no chance to make this grade up. A referral will also be written, but the first offense will result in either In School Suspension OR the failing grade. A second offense of cheating will result in much more significant consequences, and could include three days of In School Suspension and the failing grade.

Retesting Guidelines: During each of the four nine week periods, students will be allowed the opportunity to retake a combination of up to two daily/quiz assignments (not effort or online assignments) and any test upon which they have not shown mastery (achieved a score of 70% or higher.) Students who score better than their original unsuccessful attempt will be allowed to keep the higher of the two scores, with a maximum score of 70% recorded if the retest demonstrates mastery. Students who desire to initiate the retake process must inform their teacher of their desire/intent within 5 days of the unsuccessful attempt being recorded in TxGradebook. Teachers will establish a minimal criteria for test retake eligibility, which includes student a) completion of all daily assignments for that test, b) makes corrections to the failed assessment, and c) attending at least one tutoring session within five school days of the original grade being posted. The student and teacher will jointly determine the best date/time for a test reassessment.

Failed Quizzes and Daily Assignments - A student that desires to rework an assignment in the a) Quizzed and CA, or b) Daily Work and Homework, may request to do so within 5 days of when the original grade was posted. Only TWO such assignments may be done per grading period, and the highest score possible for these assignments is a 75%.

Late Work - All work that is late for my course will incur a late penalty of 10% per day until 50%. On the sixth day the assignment is worth a "0%" and will be recorded as a missing assignment.

BOTTOM LINE: If your student is in my classroom, working hard, attending tutoring, being on task during the lesson, they will love this year and will move towards graduation successfully.

For more information on the Comal ISD Grading Policy, please refer to the following link: