Attention interested 7th and 8th graders (not already in NJHS)!!!!

7th and 8th graders with all As at the end of the first semester will be invited to join NJHS.

Students must have a 90 or better in each of their core classes to be invited, and those invitations will go out soon. Students will be inducted later in the spring. Induction will occur in April.

Watch for the invitation letter the first week or so in February.

Ms. Senn

Sign up for NJHS Remind!! Don't miss any important information.

Volunteer Opportunities:

CHF Volunteer opportunity .pdf
PRMS volunteer opportunity.pdf
Salvation Army Volunteer opportunity.pdf
NJHS community volunteer.pdf

These are San Antonio community volunteer opportunities.

Elf Louise (50 years old)

Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving Dinner (38 years old)