Welcome to Pieper Ranch

Lynda Senn-Whipple

Email: lynda.senn@comalisd.org

Phone: 830.885.9622

Regular and Pre-AP ELA

3rd period conference: 10 - 10:50

Tutoring: unfortunately PRMS is still working out kinks to tutoring, so hold that thought.

The 8th grade ELA dept. received an award in May of 2016 for increasing our reading progress scores. Your child is in great hands.
The 6th grade ELA team received an award for last year's STAAR scores.We showed the most student growth in the district (2018-19).

If children need to learn vocabulary, they should read.

If they need to develop fluency, they should read.

If they need to learn about a topic, they should read.

If they need to be a person they are not, they should read.

If they need to walk in the shoes of someone else, at least for a while, they should read.

If they need to grow, to stretch, to dream, to laugh, to cry, to find a friend, to vanquish a foe, they should read.

Kids should read.

by Kylene Beeres

Ms. Senn’s Favorite Motto:

“If you want to impress people, go above and beyond what was asked or expected of you.”

Name: Ms. Senn-Whipple

Children: Taylor and Coltrane

Birthday: March

College: University of Arkansas--Fayetteville

Major: BS in English (w/honors)

Favorite Vacation: Costa Rica

Favorite Book: The Life of Pi

Favorite Movie: The Last of the Mohicans