Current Officers

2022 - 2023


Keiffer Williams |

Hey all- I'm a 3rd year PhD student in Dr. Samantha Price's lab where I study the evolution of teeth in bony fishes. Previously I was at the University of Minnesota for my MS. In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar, video games, or just being outside in general!

Vice President

Natalie Stephens |

Hey everyone! I'm a 2nd year Master's student here in the Biological Sciences department. My research interests include marine invertebrate disease and behavioral ecology. In my free time, I love hiking, scuba diving, and hanging with friends! If you have any questions or want to go on a cool hike just let me know!


Tim Cronin |

Hey all , my name is Tim and I will be serving as the BSGSA Treasurer this year. I am currently a 3rd year PhD student at Clemson. My research interests primarily pertain to behavioral ecology and parasites, however I have done work in genomics and paleontology. Prior to attending Clemson I attended DePaul University for my MS. Outside of school work I enjoy hiking and pretty much any other outdoor activity. If you have any questions about the BSGSA, the Department of Biological Sciences, or Clemson in general feel free to reach out!


Daniel Malagon |

I study interactions between host ecology and host microbiome. I love hiking, travelling, and my cats. Most days I only talk to my cats.

Event Coordinator

Jennifer Apland|

Hi all! My name is Jennifer and I'm excited to be your event coordinator for the year! My research focuses on floral trait evolution and plant-pollinator interactions. I love dancing, knitting, reading, and traveling. Come talk to me about your favorite houseplants!