
What is Padlet?

Padlet is a virtual wall for users to engage in discussion and share ideas. Padlet works like a digital corkboard that users can add content to (videos, images, texts) from anywhere in the word on any device.

Read, "Five Ways to Use Padlet in the Classroom," to learn how Padlet can benefit your classroom.

How Can You Use Padlet in Your Classroom?

  • English - Have students share their thesis statements through Padlet so that everyone can have a wide range of thesis ideas.
  • Math - Have students explain their steps to solve a math problem. Afterwards, let students critique each other to increase the depth of knowledge in your classroom.
  • Science - Create a three-columned Padlet for students to use as a KWL chart over genetics to see what the students know, what they want to know, and finally what they learned.
  • Social Studies - Create a "Who Killed JFK" Padlet board and have student share evidence supporting their claim.

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