Mrs. Piercy


If you'd like to get updates from me and be able to send/receive text messages to/from me please send a text to 81010. I will be asking students and parents to sign up.

  • Send @piercys12 if you are in my 1st, 2nd period classes

  • Send @piercys456 if you are in my 4th, 5th, 6th period classes

EMAIL: I check my email throughout the day.

PHONE: 707-439-8044 you can call and/or text me anytime between 8am and 5pm and I will check messages when I am not teaching.

Classroom Phone: 707- 410-3581 This number rings directly into the classroom and will not be answered during school hours. Feel free to leave a message. *With distance learning I may not have access to my phone everyday so if you need to get ahold of me right away please send me an email or call/text the 439-8044.