welcome lil' coyotes!

If you don't find the answers to your questions here, please let us know

How do I contact the school?  You can call the front office at (469) 633-3850 and speak with our awesome Sonntag Receptionist.

What are the school hours? The doors open at 7:20 am for the children to enter the school.  At 7:45 am the school day begins.  Please make sure your child has entered the building with enough time to get to class before 7:45 am to avoid tardiness.  The bell rings to go home at 3:05 pm.

How does dismissal work? All students are given a bright sign to fill out and place on your windshield if they are being picked up through the K/1st grade car line. If you have changes with how your child will be picked up please call the front office by 2:30.

What time is the conference period for the Kinder Team? The conference period is from 11:30 -12:15 unless there is a scheduled teacher's meeting.  Please contact your child's teacher to set up a time to meet.

What are Specials? Specials are subjects taught outside the classroom...Art, Music, Fitness, Library, and P.E.  On your child's Fitness and P.E. days, please make sure to send them in athletic shoes or sneakers.  Specials time is from 11:30-12:15 pm each day.

What time is lunch? We eat lunch from 10:15 am to 10:45 am.  Parents and guests are always welcome to join their student in the cafeteria.  We ask that your child joins you at one of the guest tables. If your child's lunch comes with a toy or prize, please take that with you when you leave for them to have after school.

Is there a snack time?  Yes!  Please send a healthy snack and water bottle with your child each day. This is especially important during the hot months. Some acceptable snacks are granola bars, string cheese, pretzels, crackers, fruit goldfish, etc. We will eat our snack in the afternoon and it will be a working snack so easy items are appreciated. No candy or foods of minimal nutrition will be allowed for a snack but students can have these for lunch.

What are the recess guidelines? Recess is scheduled for 9:35 am to 10:05 am.  Outdoor recess will occur if the temperature is 94 degrees or less or the temperature heat index is less than 100 degrees during the hot months.  During Red Ozone Warning days students will not be allowed to go outside. During Orange Ozone Warning days, students will only be able to go outside for 1/2 of the recess time.  During the cold months, students will be able to go outside if the real feel temperature and/or wind chill is above freezing. For safety reasons, siblings are not allowed on playground equipment during recess time.

How will behavior be communicated? Students will have a communication log in their folder. This will come home each day in your child's take home folder, and will be great for the teachers to communicate any concerns, behaviors, or needed supplies. There is a spot for you to sign each day and the teacher will check these daily.

How will teachers communicate to parents? Your child's teacher will be emailing a newsletter to you every week. Please read this to get important information, important dates, and needed items for the classroom. If you are not receiving these throughout the year, please update your email addresses with your child's homeroom teacher.

How do I send in money? If you need to send in money to your child's teacher for lunch, field trips, book orders, etc. please do so online through Online School fees. You can find this information on the FISD Website.

How can I volunteer? To volunteer in any capacity, a new volunteer application must be filled out each year and submitted for that current school year.  Please visit the Frisco ISD website at: https://volunteer.friscoisd.org   Go to the Parents & Students tab.  Under the Most Requested heading, you will see the Volunteer Form on the bottom. We are very excited to have many parent volunteers for room parents, at home projects, field trips, field day, etc.  Please let us know in what capacity you would like to volunteer and we will be happy to work with you.

How are birthdays celebrated? We will acknowledge each child's birthday in the classroom, however, treats are not allowed to be distributed to their classmates. You may come eat lunch with your child to make their day special. *If you want to pass out invitations, please make sure you have enough for all classmates, or all boys/girls.

Are toys allowed at school? Please help us limit distractions by keeping toys, loose jewelry, playing cards (Pokemon/football/etc.), fidget spinners, and electronics at home. If they show up in class, they will be collected, until the end of the day. If it continues to be a problem, it will be an office referral.