Helpful Websites and Resources

Department of Counseling Website

The department of counseling district website is very helpful. Please be sure to take a minute to look at all the information. This website has the Bullying Policy and Pocedures, parenting resources, information on suicide, information on state testing and district testing and much, much more!

Other Websites:

General Parent Information:

Resources for Outside Professional Counseling

If you are interested in counseling for your student through an outside, professional counselor or therapist, I have a FISD list of resources. Before I can provide you with that list, you will have to sign a consent form stating that you asked for the list of resources. I will be glad to provide you with any resources that I can.


I have several books in my office that cover a large varitety of topics including divorce, grief, friendship issues, self-esteem and bullying. Often a book can be a great way for a parent to discuss a delicate topic with their child. They help to open up the lines of communication! Please feel free to call and see if I have a resource that could help your family.