Edina Waggoner

Welcome to 4th Grade!

My name is Edina Waggoner. I am excited to start my 8th year at Hosp Elementary in 4th Grade. I am looking forward to creating relationships with your kiddos and growing their little minds.

Texas became my home fifteen years ago when my family moved to Frisco from Lindsay, California, a small, rural farming town. My husband, Don, and I have one daughter, Jenclaire. She will be a sophomore at Drury University while playing soccer for the Panthers this year. I enjoy watching her play collegiate soccer. Jenclaire attended all Frisco ISD schools starting at Pink Elementary, then Griffin Middle school, and finishing at Wakeland High School. We also have a shaggy little Cocker Spaniel named Bella.

Some of my favorite things to do are traveling (especially beach vacations), reading, being an amateur photographer, and spending time with my family and friends.

Looking forward to an amazing school year!