
Do at least 3 minutes of cardio before you begin stretching to warm up your muscles.

Stretching: We Found Love

(Hold everything for 2 8-counts unless otherwise listed)

Stand & hold 1st 2 8-counts

Stretch to the right (arm over head)

Stretch down to right leg

Lean back and flex right foot

Back to flat foot

Runners lunge

Put left knee down to stretch quad

Back to runners lunge

Stand back up, keep stretching right leg

Repeat everything on your left side

Stretch to the middle

Sit down in straddle (1 8-count)

Stretch to the right

Stretch to the left

Stretch to the middle

Walk legs in to pike (1 8-count)

Stretch w/ toes pointed

Stretch w/ toes flexed


Stretch right arm across chest

Right arm tricep stretch

Right wrist flexor stretch

Right wrist extensor stretch

Repeat everything on your left side

Abs: Run The World

Hold 1st 2 8cts

8 regular crunches (up 1-2, down 3-4, up 5-6, down 7-8, repeat 4x)

4 regular crunches to the left

4 regular crunches to the right

4 oblique crunches to the left

4 oblique crunches to the right

4 pike crunches to the middle

4 pike crunches to the left

4 pike crunches to the right

8 bicycle crunches

Rest for 2 8cts

Hold hollow body position(HBP) - 2 8cts

Roll over - stay in HBP - 1 8ct

8 back crunches (up 1-2, down 3-4, up 5-6, down 7-8, repeat 4x)

Roll over - stay in HBP - 1 8ct

Hold hollow body position(HBP) - 3 8cts

Roll over - stay in HBP - 1 8ct

8 back crunches

Push back and stretch your abs - 2 8cts

Roll back on your knees and hollow out your back - 2 8cts

Stand up and rest for 2 8cts

12 controlled kicks to the right - 3 8cts (kick on 1, 3, 5, 7)

12 controlled kicks to the left - 3 8cts

Right lunge, arms in high V - 2 8cts

Left lunge, arms in touchdown - 2 8cts

Middle squat, arms in T - 4 8cts

Push-Ups: All Night

Hold 2 8cts

8 regular push ups (reg. or knees)

Rest for 2 8cts

Regular plank - 2 8cts

Right side plank - 2 8cts

Regular plank - 2 8cts

Left side plank - 2 8cts

Regular plank - 2 8cts

Walk feet out in plank - 2 8cts

Walk arms out in plank - 2 8cts

Walk arms back in for plank - 2 8cts

Walk feet back in (reg.) plank - 2 8cts

Rest - 1 8ct

Stretch right hip flexor - 2 8cts

Stretch left hip flexor - 2 8cts

Roll onto back - 2 8cts

8 straddle ups (hold HBP between)

8 V ups (hold HBP between)

Stretch out abs - 4 8cts


Jumps: Womanizer

Hold 1st 4 8cts

4 T-jumps

4 left hurdlers

4 right hurdlers

Rest for 4 8cts

4 pike jumps (to the right)

4 toe touches (clasp approach)

Rest for 4 8cts

4 toe touches (whip approach)

4 pike jumps (to the right)

4 front hurdlers (to the right)

Rest for 4 8cts

4 right hurdlers

4 left hurdlers

Rest for 4 8cts

4 double toe touches (clap 1, high V 2, whip 3, toe touch 4, whip 5, jump 6, land 7, clean 8)

Ultimate cheer workout. #cheer #cheerleading #cheerleader I SWEAR I WILL DO THIS.:
Cheer Abletics. This is actually really hard. Killer ab workout that Cheer athletics does, and they have fantastic abs.: