Bluebonnet Buzz: 2019-2020

Third, fourth, and fifth graders are invited to BUZZ about the Bluebonnet books they have read this school year. In order to participate in Bluebonnet Voting in January and attend the Bluebonnet Celebration in the Spring at the end of the school year, students must buzz about 5 or more of the 2019-2020 Bluebonnet Books. Students, you must fill out and submit a SEPARATE form for EACH of the books you buzz about. Be sure to fill out all of the required information for each form you submit. Use complete sentences in places you are required to use them. All forms submitted will be compiled and submitted electronically to Mrs. Littlejohn. The deadline for all form submissions is January 24th. Don't forget to hit submit when you are finished recording your answers! Happy Bluebonnet Reading!

Click on the picture below to access the Google Form for buzzing about the nominees you have read. Remember to buzz on a separate form for each Bluebonnet you have read!