
Want to be on Broadway? Or become a pop star? Want to join a rock band or learn how to be the lead singer of one? Maybe you just enjoy singing and want to perform with like-minded people!

Whatever your reason, chorus is a full year class that might be the best fit for you! In this class, students will receive instruction on vocal and performance techniques. Students will have the opportunity to apply these techniques in the classroom and concerts and may participate in various trips throughout the year in an effort to showcase their vocal talents throughout the community. Students will learn to sing all different styles of music including pop, rock, Broadway, multicultural music and holiday music as well as the elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, form, tone color).

Joining the Barkalow Chorus not only gives you the tools to go on to other things (like our own spring musical or the performing groups at the high school), it also gives you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to use your talents or develop them among friends! What are you waiting for?       

Slide for Barkalow Chorus Recruitment