Upcoming Uke Presentations:
2023 NAfME Eastern Division Conference (Rochester, NY)
"Ukulele for the Music Teacher's Soul" - Friday, April 14 at 9:30am
Remember why you were drawn to music teaching! A participatory opportunity for teachers to make music with others. Rediscover the joy of making music in a safe environment through ukulele. Explore strategies for promoting flow and communitas in your classroom. Something for all levels of ability. I’ll bring a limited number of ukes to borrow, so if you’ve got one--bring it! =)
"Pickin’ and Grinnin’ with Ukulele" - Saturday, April 15 at 10:45 AM
Use classic guitar riffs and bass lines from folk, pop, and rock tunes to learn how to pick on the ukulele. We’ll play simple melodic lines and shred riffs on the uke along with the original artists. Simple strategies to scaffold a variety of learners and to demystify reading tablature. I’ll bring a limited number of ukes to borrow, so if you’ve got one--bring it! =)
Erie County Music Educators Association - 2023
New York State School Music Association Winter Conference
Picking & Grinning with Ukulele
Ukulele for the Music Teacher's Soul
Uke and Strum: You Can Strum! (Michigan Music Educators & Chautauqua Institute)
When you can play a funky strum pattern on your uke, you’re a one-person rhythm section. In this workshop, we explored strumming from simple to syncopated in the context of folk, pop, and rock tunes.