Mr. Schwartz

Welcome to 6th grade Social Studies! I am Mr. Schwartz, and I will be teaching you Social Studies this school year. This is the start of my 9th year teaching. I am excited to be teaching here at CBIS and I hope you are excited to be starting what promises to be a great year.

I have grown up here in Franklin and attended this very school. When I was here however it was a middle school, not an intermediate school. Later I went to Franklin High School (the old one) and attended Franklin College. Continuing with my love of the city of Franklin, my wife and I purchased our first house together here and continue to live in Franklin.

As you may or may not be able to tell from my classroom I love running. I am the head cross country coach at the high school. I run with the team every day. Some of my personal running has included being a collegiate runner at Franklin College, but also 6 full marathons, and countless half marathons.

If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask. I try to be flexible and easy going. I look forward to getting to know you this year!
