FAMS Academic Competition Squad

This is a club to practice for the International Academic Competitions including the Geography, Science, and History Bees as well as the Team History Bowl. Check out more information here 

Students can participate in three stages of competition:

Stage 1: Students take an Online Regional Qualifying Exam for any or all of the categories: (50 questions, multiple-choice, 20-minute time limit)

Stage 2: Students can participate in person or Virtual Regional Finals. This consists of 3 preliminary rounds of buzzer-based competition, with a final round to determine the top finishers in each age division. Here is a link to the locations of the regional finals.

Stage 3: Students who qualify from regionals can participate in the National Championships in Orlando Florida!  This consists of 4 preliminary rounds of buzzer-based competition, and 3 buzzer-based rounds of playoffs in each age division.