
Francis said:' I have done what is mine to do, may Christ teach you yours'

Suggested Prayers and Readings:

Prayer before the Crucifix

Prayer for the Entire Order

Exhortation to the Praise of God

Clare said 'Among all the other gifts which we have received and continue to receive daily, our vocation is a great gift, since it is the more perfect and greater, we should be the more thankful to Him for it.

Suggested Readings and Prayer:

Blessing of St Clare

Christ the Meaning of our Life

3rd Letter to Blessed Agnes v 10

Our Lady said 'Do whatever he tells you'

Suggested Readings:

Lk1:26 - 38 Annunciation

Lk1:46 - 55 Magnificat

Acts1:14;2:1-4 Mary in the Upper Room