Please note: Below is the homework for Team B teachers only. If you have an off-team teacher, the homework is not listed here. This website does not replace your planner, nor does it include all directions given in class. You should always record homework in your planner. Use this as a way to double-check or to keep up when you are absent.
Monday, March 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None. Use the time to read your social studies book and finish your sketchnotes! Due tomorrow!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1-5.2 Review Packet and finish the Poster Assignment if needed. Quiz Coming Tuesday. Poster Assignment will count as part of your quiz grade.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 start working on your College Debt Project. Research a school to attend and a career pathway.
Science - Mr. Reilly: You will be presenting your lab results next class. Period 1,2 today, and period 6,7,8 tomorrow. Make sure your testable question, procedure, graph, model, and presentation are ready to go.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Monday, March 3
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None. Use the time to read your social studies book and finish your sketchnotes!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1-5.2 Review Packet and finish the Poster Assignment if needed. Quiz Coming Tuesday. Poster Assignment will count as part of your quiz grade.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 start working on your College Debt Project. Research a school to attend and a career pathway.
Science - Mr. Reilly: You will be presenting your lab results next class. Period 1,2 today, and period 6,7,8 tomorrow. Make sure your testable question, procedure, graph, model, and presentation are ready to go.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Friday, February 28
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None. Use the time to read your social studies book!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1-5.2 Review Packet and finish the Poster Assignment if needed. Quiz Coming Tuesday. Poster Assignment will count as part of your quiz grade.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 start working on your College Debt Project. Research a school to attend and a career pathway.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your graph, model, and presentation for your salt watchers lab. You will be presenting next week!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Thursday, February 27
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Poetry quiz on Thursday for Per. 8 and on Friday for Per. 1, 2, 6, 7. Be sure you know simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, and hyperbole. Study this sheet and review the practice quiz in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1 Writing Direct Proportion Equations #1-8, Quiz Coming Tuesday. Poster Assignment on Friday will count as part of your quiz grade.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, Finish the 4.1-4.2 Stations and choose 2 IXL links. I recommend doing the one that says "Finding the Missing Coordinate." 4.1-4.2 Attempt 1 Quiz Friday (per 1,2) Per 8 start working on your College Debt Project. Research a school to attend and a career pathway.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your graph, model, and presentation for your salt watchers lab. You will be presenting next week!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Wednesday, February 26
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Podcast was due on Monday! Poetry quiz on Thursday for Per. 8 and on Friday for Per. 1, 2, 6, 7. Be sure you know simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, and hyperbole. Study this sheet and review the practice quiz in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1-5.2 Identifying Direct Proportion pket
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 Finish the 4.1-4.2 Stations and choose 2 IXL links. I recommend doing the one that says "Finding the Missing Coordinate." 4.1-4.2 Attempt 1 Quiz coming Thurs (per 8) Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Tuesday, February 25
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Podcast was due yesterday! Poetry quiz on Thursday for Per. 8 and on Friday for Per. 1, 2, 6, 7. Be sure you know simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, and hyperbole. Study this sheet and review the practice quiz in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.1-5.2 Identifying Direct Proportion pket
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do 4.2 Understanding Slope Intercept Practice, 4.1-4.2 Attempt 1 Quiz coming Thurs (per 8) Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do the Quizziz practice posted on G.C.
Monday, February 24
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Podcast was due today! Poetry quiz on Thursday for Per. 8 and on Friday for Per. 1, 2, 6, 7. Be sure you know simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, and hyperbole. Study this sheet and review the practice quiz in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Finish the 5.1-5.2 Understanding Direct Proportion packet #1-5
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do 4.2 Understanding Slope Intercept Practice, 4.1-4.2 Attempt 1 Quiz coming Thurs (per 8) Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th. Per 6,7: Propaganda summative next Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review all of the new grammar and vocab. in your binder (pgs. 16-18).
Friday, February 21
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Podcast is due Monday.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the SBA Number Sense Review packet without a calculator.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do 4.1 Slope Practice B sheet. 4.1-4.2 Attempt 1 Quiz coming Thurs (per 8) Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th. Per 6,7: Propaganda summative next Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8 has a vocabulary worksheet to complete for next class. All classes should review new notes pgs. 16-18 of your binder.
Thursday, February 20
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the poetry packet and watch the videos posted in the GC if you haven't finished yet. Work on podcast edits. Podcast is due Monday.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the SBA Number Sense Review packet without a calculator.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do 4.1 Slope Practice A sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th. Per 6,7: Propaganda summative next Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1-7 have a vocabulary worksheet to complete for next class.
Wednesday, February 19
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the poetry packet and watch the videos posted in the GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.0 HW Graphing on Coordinate Plane (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 4.1-4.5 Exploring Linear, do #1 and choose one more. Per 8 do 4.1 Slope Practice A sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th. Per 6,7: Propaganda summative next Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes should review the new vocabulary list for the next unit. (Pink page #16 of your binder)
Friday, February 14
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Complete and turn in the Listening Library Assignment posted in Google Classroom. You should also be working on the poetry packet (on paper) and watching the poetry videos posted in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 5.0 HW Graphing on Coordinate Plane (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 4.1-4.5 Exploring Linear, do #1 and choose one more. Per 8 do 4.1 Slope Practice A sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the graphing summative due Friday 2/21.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th. Per 6,7: Propaganda summative next Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Enjoy the long weekend!
Thursday, February 13
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Complete and turn in the Listening Library Assignment posted in Google Classroom. You should also be working on the poetry packet (on paper) and watching the poetry videos posted in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Please finish the Math About Me assignment which is due Wednesday, 2/19.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 4.1-4.5 Exploring Linear, do #1 and choose one more.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8 has a preterite verb test tomorrow. Review your notes on pg. 14 of your binder.
Wednesday, February 12
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Complete and turn in the Listening Library Assignment posted in Google Classroom.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Ch 4 Attempt 2 Test day 2 is Thursday. Do the 4.4-4.5 Inequalities Review sheet and keep studying by doing Ch4 Review Packet, Jeopardy and IXL links. Math About Me assignment is due 2/19.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, the 3.4 Practice sheet #2-12 even and #13. Per 8 do the 4.1-4.5 Understanding Linear Relationships packet and do the Linear vs Nonlinear Functions worksheet .
Science - Mr. Reilly: Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 8: Propaganda summative Tues. Per 1,2,6,7: Propaganda summative Thurs. All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be a written preterite test on Thursday/Friday. Please review your notes (P. 14 in binder)and/or practice Conjuguemos/Gimkit again. Also, please check PowerSchool, many students are missing assessments and this is negatively affecting your grade!
Tuesday, February 11
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Complete and turn in the Listening Library Assignment posted in Google Classroom.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Ch 4 Attempt 2 Test is Wednesday and Thursday. Do the Ch 4 Stations and record work in your notebook. Keep studying by doing Ch4 Review Packet, Jeopardy and IXL links.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 the 3.4 Practice sheet #2-12 even and #13.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 8: Propaganda summative Tues. Per 1,2,6,7: Propaganda summative Thurs. All periods: Read your library book. Sketchnotes assignment due March 5th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be a written preterite test on Thursday/Friday. Please review your notes (P. 14 in binder)and/or practice Conjuguemos/Gimkit again. Also, please check PowerSchool, many students are missing assessments and this is negatively affecting your grade!
Monday, February 10
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: If you have not recorded your podcast yet, practice reading it aloud. If you are working alone, you should record at home.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Ch 4 Attempt 2 Test is Wednesday and Thursday. Do the Ch 4 Stations and record work in your notebook. Keep studying by doing Jeopardy and IXL links.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 the classwork and HW sheet 3.3 day 2.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 8: Propaganda summative Tues. Per 1,2,6,7: Propaganda summative Thurs. All periods: Read your library book.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8 has a worksheet due tomorrow. All classes will have a past tense writing test on Thursday/Friday.
Friday, February 7
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Prepare to record your podcast. Practice reading your script out loud.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Ch 4 Attempt 2 Test is Wednesday and Thursday. Do the Ch 4 Stations and record work in your notebook. Keep studying by doing Jeopardy and IXL links.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Finish the classwork and HW sheet 3.3 day 2.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Read your library book.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8 has a worksheet due Tuesday. All classes will have a past tense writing test next Thursday/Friday.
Tuesday, February 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: You should be finishing up the podcast script. Practice reading it out loud.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the Ch 4 Review Packet and find 2 more ways to study for Monday's test on Equations and Inequalities. Gold Sheet with evidence of how you studied is due on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 3.3 HW sheet on solving two variable equations.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1-7 have a worksheet to complete. There will be a written preterite verbs test later next week.
Monday, February 3
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: You should be finishing up the podcast script. Practice reading it out loud.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.4-4.5 Inequalities Review sheet for the quiz. Attempt 1 Quiz is coming on Tues. 2/4
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per1,2, 8 do the stations, jeopardy and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due on the test day. Attempt 2 Test part 2 is Wednesday (per 1,2) and Tuesday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be a speaking assessment tomorrow for periods 6-8/ This is the AAPPL that we practiced twice in class.
Friday, January 31
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on podcast script for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.4-4.5 Inequalities Review sheet for the quiz. Attempt 1 Quiz is coming on Tues. 2/4
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per1,2, 8 do the stations, jeopardy and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due 1/30. Attempt 2 Test part 2 is Monday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: NoodleTools Citations & Annotations for Podcast are due today.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is a listening (past tense) assessment on Monday for per. 8/ There will be a speaking assessment next Monday/Tuesday for all classes. This is the AAPPL that we practiced twice in class.
Thursday, January 30
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on podcast script for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.5 Solve Real Life Problems Using Inequalities Do #2,5,7,8,10 (2 sided). Attempt 1 Quiz is coming on Tues. 2/4
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per1,2, 8 do the stations, jeopardy and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due 1/30. Attempt 2 Test is Thursday/Mon. (per8) Attempt 2 is Friday/Monday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: NoodleTools Citations & Annotations for Podcast are due today.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is a listening (past tense) assessment tomorrow. (Monday for per. 8). There will be a speaking assessment next Monday/Tuesday. This is the AAPPL that we practiced twice in class.
Wednesday, January 29
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on podcast script for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.4 Solve and Graph Inequalities sheet #2. Do #1-4 and choose 2 more. (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per1,2, 8 do the stations, jeopardy and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due 1/30. Attempt 2 Test is Thursday (per8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: NoodleTools Citations & Annotations for Podcast are due on Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is a listening (past tense) assessment on Friday (Monday for per. 8). There will be a speaking assessment next Monday/Tuesday. This is the AAPPL that we practiced twice in class.
Tuesday, January 28
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on podcast script for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.4 Solve and Graph Inequalities sheet #2 (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per1,2, 8 do the stations and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due 1/30. Attempt 2 Test is Thursday (per8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers research. Work on your CER Tracker and “Variables” assignment. Don’t forget to get your contract signed!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: NoodleTools Citations & Annotations for Podcast are due on Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be two assessments coming up, about the preterite tense. The listening version will be on 1/ 31, and the writing version the following week. Be sure you know all past tense endings! Keep practicing with Conjuguemos each day, for 10 minutes!
Monday, January 27
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Per. 1, 2, 6 and 7: Take notes on your podcast topic for 15-20 mins. All notes (from three sources) should be completed by tomorrow. Per. 8: Work on script for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.4 Solve and Graph Inequalities sheet (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 5.4 worksheet #14-25 on Inverse Proportion. The Attempt 2 Test will be next week on Friday (per 1,2). Per 8 do the stations and optional page 293 #1-24 in online textbook as options for the Gold Improvement Plan due 1/30. Attempt 2 Test is Thursday (per8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers KWLA and vocabulary posted in GC. Complete the Salt Watchers Research due 1/28.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: NoodleTools Citations & Annotations for Podcast are due on Thursday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be two assessments coming up, about the preterite tense. The listening version will be on 1/ 31, and the writing version the following week. Be sure you know all past tense endings! Keep practicing with Conjuguemos each day, for 10 minutes!
Friday, January 24
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Take notes on your podcast topic for 15-20 mins. All notes (from three sources) should be completed by next Monday for Pers. 1, 2, 8 and Tuesday for Pers. 6 and 7.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: watch the video in GC for 1/23 and do 10 or more IXL problems using the posted links. Log in with Classlinks first.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 5.4 worksheet #14-25 on Inverse Proportion. The Attempt 2 Test will be next week on Thurs (per 8) and Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the salt watchers KWLA and vocabulary posted in GC.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be two assessments coming up, about the preterite tense. The listening version will be on 1/ 31, and the writing version the following week. Be sure you know all past tense endings! Keep practicing with Conjuguemos each day, for 10 minutes!
Thursday, January 23
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Take notes on your podcast topic for 15-20 mins. You should be done with notes from your second source.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: watch the video in GC for 1/23 and do 10 or more IXL problems using the posted links. Log in with Classlinks first.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 5.4 worksheet #1-13 on Inverse Proportion. The Attempt 2 Test will be next week on Thurs (per 8) and Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the CER reflection.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a two-sided paper to complete with the preterite verb tense. There will be a listening (verbs) test on Friday. Be sure you know all past tense endings! Keep practicing with Conjuguemos each day, for 10 minutes!
Wednesday, January 22
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Take notes on your podcast topic for 15-20 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the circled problems on the 4.2-4.3 Review Packet for the Quiz. Study old HW problems and notes also. Quiz coming on Thursday on Word Problems and solving with fractions and decimals.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, please do the SBA Review packet. Per 8 do the 5.4 worksheet #1-13 on Inverse Proportion. The Attempt 2 Test will be next week on Thurs (per 8) and Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the CER reflection.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be two assessments coming up, about the preterite tense. The listening version will be on 1/ 31, and the writing version the following week. Be sure you know all past tense endings! Keep practicing with Conjuguemos each day, for 10 minutes!
Tuesday, January 21
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2, 8: Take notes on your podcast topic for 15-20 mins. Pers 6, 7: None.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.3 Solving Real Life Probs, Tables #1-3 and choose one more. Quiz coming on Thursday on Word Problems and solving with fractions and decimals.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 please do the SBA Review packet. The Attempt 2 Test will be next week on Thurs (per 8) and Friday (per 1,2)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your Hot Solid Core CER due Friday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete the Lesson #4 - Handout on Capitalism v. Communism. The reading is posted on GC.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do another 10 min. practice with Conjuguemos (in G.C.) Did your score improve over your last score? PLEASE check PowerSchool and see me in Flex tomorrow if you owe an assessment (several people have LEs in the gradebook).
Friday, January 17
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Digital detective's log is due today! If you have finished it, you do not have homework!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.3 Solving Real Life Probs, Tables #1-3 and choose one more. Quiz coming on Thursday on Word Problems and solving with fractions and decimals.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Tuesday(per 1,2,8). Per 1,2,8 do the 5.3/Percent Stations. Choose stations for practice, especially stations #1-3, to review for the Attempt 1 Quiz on Tuesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your Hot Solid Core CER due Friday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete the Lesson #4 - Handout on Capitalism v. Communism. The reading is posted on GC.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do another 10 min. practice with Conjuguemos (in G.C.) Did your score improve over yesterday's result?
Thursday, January 16
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: 1. Finish the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17. 2. Decide on your podcast topic and fill out side one of the gold proposal sheet.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.3 Solving Real Life Probs, Perimeter #1-4.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Percent Change HW # 1-5,8,9 and Real Life % Practice C #1-7. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Tuesday(per8) and Tuesday(per1,2). Per 8 go to GC and click on the 5.3, Percent Stations. Choose stations for practice, especially stations #1-3, to review for the Attempt 1 Quiz on Tuesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your Hot Solid Core CER due Friday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Presentations on Population Density. Final Presentations on Fri.
Per 8: Complete the Lesson #4 Handout on Capitalism v. Communism. The reading is posted on GC.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Do another 10 min. practice with Conjuguemos (in G.C.) Did your score improve over yesterday's result?
Wednesday, January 15
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Finish the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.3 Solving Real Life Probs
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Percent Change HW # 1-5,8,9 and Real Life % Practice C #1-7. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Tuesday(per8) and Tuesday(per1,2).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your Hot Solid Core CER due Friday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Presentations on Population Density. Presentations on Thurs and Fri.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Continue to practice with Conjuguemos (posted last week and this week in G.C.).
Tuesday, January 14
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Finish the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.3 Solving Real Life Probs
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Day 2 Percent Word Problems HW. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Thursday(per8) and Friday(per1,2).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CER organizer for our CER starting tomorrow. Check if you have finished, Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions and the Earth’s Layers Data.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods:PComplete Presentations on Population Density. Presentations begin on Wed and Thurs.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Use any of the methods on Conjuguemos, to practice the past tense. I posted the link in G.C. last week.
Monday, January 13
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: 1. All classes: Prepare for the graded literature discussion. Read and annotate your assigned story. Links to the audios for the stories can be found in the GC Stream. 2. Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving Equations with Fractions and Decimals Practice B sheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the Solving Real Life Percent Problems HW packet day 1, Attempt 1 Quiz coming Friday. Per 8 do the Day 2 Percent Word Problems HW. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Thursday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CER organizer for our CER starting tomorrow. Check if you have finished, Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions and the Earth’s Layers Data.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Work on your group presentations on population density. Prepare and rehearse. Presentations begin Wednesday for period 1, 2, and 8. Thurs for Per 6,7.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: No written homework, please review your notes on the past tense.
Friday, January 10
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving Equations with Fractions and Decimals sheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Solving Real Life Percent Problems HW packet day 1.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Start on the Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions posted in GC due Thursday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Work on your group presentations on population density. Prepare and rehearse. Presentations begin Wednesday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 6, 7, 8 have a worksheet on the past tense, due next class.
Thursday, January 9
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving Equations with Fractions and Decimals sheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Frac, Dec., % Conversions sheet (2 sided).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Start on the Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions posted in GC due Thursday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete your research document for your population density presentation.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 6, 7, 8 have a worksheet on the past tense, due next class.
Wednesday, January 8
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving Equations with Fractions and Decimals sheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Frac, Dec., % Conversions sheet (2 sided).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Start on the Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions posted in GC due Thursday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete your research document for your population density presentation.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: The higher numbers listening assessment is Thurs./Fri. this week. Review on your yellow vocabulary list, and with the two videos that are posted in G.C.
Tuesday, January 7
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 More Solving Equations Worksheet A and finish the Learning Target Review. Attempt 1 Equation solving Quiz is on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 5.3 Practice sheet on solving direct proportion word problems (2 sided)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Start on the Heat and Pressure Follow Up Questions posted in GC due Thursday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Lesson #2 Handout on North Korea.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: The higher numbers listening assessment is Thurs./Fri. this week. Review on your yellow vocabulary list, and with the two videos that are posted in G.C.
Monday, January 6
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 More Solving Equations Worksheet A and finish the Learning Target Review. Attempt 1 Equation solving Quiz is on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 5.1-5.2 Review Packet and finish the Classwork Unicycle Problem. You can use the google doc with review options for even more ways to study for the Attempt 1 Quiz on Tuesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Review your notes on the heat and pressure demonstrations and do not lose them. You will need to bring your notebook and those notes from the demonstration to next class.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Lesson #2 Handout on North Korea.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: The higher numbers listening assessment is Thurs./Fri. this week. Review on your yellow vocabulary list, and with the two videos that are posted in G.C.
Friday, January 3
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solve with Variables on Both Sides sheet. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 5.1 page 258 worksheet on Direct Proportion. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Tuesday Ch 5.1-5.2 Direct Proportions. Per 8 do the 5.1-5.2 Review Packet and finish the Classwork Unicycle Problem. You can use the google doc with review options for even more ways to study for the Attempt 1 Quiz on Tuesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Review your notes on the heat and pressure demonstrations and do not lose them. You will need to bring your notebook and those notes from the demonstration to next class.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Map of East Asia. Period 8: Complete Lesson #2 Handout on North Korea.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a worksheet (based on the new grammar notes), to complete for next class.
Thursday, January 2
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Read your mystery book and/or work on the Digital Detective's Log (in GC) due on Jan. 17.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: No Homework.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 5.1 page 258 worksheet on Direct Proportion. Attempt 1 Quiz coming on Tuesday Ch 5.1-5.2 Direct Proportions.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Review your notes on the heat and pressure demonstrations and do not lose them. You will need to bring your notebook and those notes from the demonstration to next class.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Have a wonderful break!
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8 review your vocab. Periods 1 and 2 have a worksheet to complete, based on the new grammar notes.
Friday, December 20
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None, but you might want to read your mystery book over break!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: No homework. Have a great break.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 no homework. Have a great break.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Quiz on waves is going to be this Wednesday for periods 1, 2 and Thursday for periods 6, 7, 8. NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle due this week. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Have a wonderful break!
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Enjoy the time off, with family and friends.
Thursday, December 19
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7: A short reading assessment will be given on Friday. Review the slideshows on foreshading/flashback, irony, and figurative language posted in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Simplify Before Solving Equations sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 5.1-5.2 Writing Direct Proportion Packet. Per 8 no homework
Science - Mr. Reilly: Quiz on waves is going to be this Wednesday for periods 1, 2 and Thursday for periods 6, 7, 8. NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle due this week. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Essay Organizer on GC. You will write your DBQ Essay in class on Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be a listening test on higher numbers in January after we return from break (I will tell you which date). Please continue to review your notes that you took, and your yellow paper.(pgs. 11 and 13 in your binder)
Wednesday, December 18
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: A short reading assessment will be given on Thursday (per. 8) and on Friday (pers. 1, 2, 6, 7). Review the slideshows on foreshading/flashback and irony posted in GC.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving 2 Step Equations sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 5.1-5.2 Writing Direct Proportion Packet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Quiz on waves is going to be this Wednesday for periods 1, 2 and Thursday for periods 6, 7, 8. NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle due this week. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Essay Organizer on GC. You will write your DBQ Essay in class on Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There will be a listening test on higher numbers in January after we return from break (I will tell you which date). Please continue to review your notes that you took, and your yellow paper.(pgs. 11 and 13 in your binder)
Tuesday, December 17
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the questions for "Winthrop Legend." Did you do the PRACTICE reading assessment posted in Google Classroom? The graded assessment will be given on Thursday (per. 8) and on Friday (pers. 1, 2, 6, 7).
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.2 Solving 2 Step Equations sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 5.1-5.2 Understanding Direct Proportion Packet #1-5. Make your best guess about part e on each problem.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Quiz on waves is going to be this Wednesday for periods 1, 2 and Thursday for periods 6, 7, 8. NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle due this week. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Essay Organizer on GC. You will write your DBQ Essay in class on Wed, Thurs, Fri.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is no written homework tonight. However, you may practice your higher numbers with the Gimkit posted in Google Classroom.
Monday, December 16
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Do the PRACTICE reading assessment posted in Google Classroom. Must be completed by Tuesday. Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.0 Solving One Step Equations Practice B sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the SBA Review packet. Per 8 do the 5.1-5.2 Understanding Direct Proportion Packet #1-5. Make your best guess about part e on each problem.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Quiz on waves is going to be this Wednesday for periods 1, 2 and Thursday for periods 6, 7, 8. NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle due this week. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 8, 1, 2: Complete Debate Handout. All periods: 1) Complete counterclaim & rebuttal paragraph. 2) Work on your essay organizer posted on GC
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is no written homework tonight. However, you may practice your higher numbers with the Gimkit posted in Google Classroom.
Friday, December 13
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Do the PRACTICE reading assessment posted in Google Classroom. Must be completed by Tuesday. Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.0 Solving One Step Equations sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the SBA Review packet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 8, 1, 2: Complete Debate Handout. All periods: 1) Complete counterclaim & rebuttal paragraph. 2) Work on your essay organizer posted on GC
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is no written homework this weekend. Continue to review pg. 11 of your binder (el vocabulario de la escuela).
Thursday, December 12
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2, 8: Finish the worksheet from class (both sides). All classes: Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.0 Solving One Step Equations sheet (2 sided). Show all steps and the check.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 4.4-4.5 MORE Inequalities Review, redo old HW problems and try Enrichment to study for the Attempt 2 on Inequalities 4.4-4.5. Attempt 2 is Friday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: NatGeo Volcanoes Edpuzzle. Make any revisions necessary for your Ct State Park Project.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: 1) Complete counterclaim & rebuttal paragraph. 2) Work on your essay organizer posted on GC
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is a listening test tomorrow for period 8. Be sure to review your school vocabulary.
Wednesday, December 11
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 6, 7, 8: Finish the worksheet from class (both sides). All classes: Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 4.0 Checking Solutions Practice sheet (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the Equations About Me assignment. See directions and sample in GC. Per 8 do the 4.4-4.5 MORE Inequalities Review, redo old HW problems and try Enrichment to study for the Attempt 2 on Inequalities 4.4-4.5.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Volcano one pagers are due today.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due today. Period 6,7,8: Complete all documents for Lesson #14 - Partition
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is a listening test tomorrow for periods 1,2,6 & 7. Period 8 will do it on Friday. Be sure to review your school vocabulary.
Tuesday, December 10
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Watch the video in GC about Expressions and Equations then do 10 IXL problems. Log into IXL with Classlinks first, then click on the GC links.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the Equations About Me assignment. See directions and sample in GC.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Volcano one pagers are due today.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due today. Period 6,7,8: Complete all documents for Lesson #14 - Partition
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Create the questions on the paper that you received in class today (periods 1,2,6 & 7).
Monday, December 9
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your mystery novel for 15 minutes. Take notes on your bookmark.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Watch the video in GC about Expressions and Equations then do 10 IXL problems. Log into IXL with Classlinks first, then click on the GC links.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 4.4-4.5 Inequalities Review sheet and try the quizziz. Attempt 1 Quiz on inequalities is Tuesday. Attempt 2 on Inequalities is Friday for all periods.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Geology Road Trip is due this week. Volcano one pagers are due today per 6,7, Monday per 1,2 and Tuesday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due today. Period 6,7,8: Complete all documents for Lesson #14 - Partition
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Create the questions on the paper that you received in class today (periods 1,2,6 & 7).
Friday, December 6
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on narrative for 15 minutes. Use your narrative checklist. Final copy must be turned in in GC by Monday, 12/9.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Attempt 2 Test Monday (part 2). Do the Ch 3 Review sheet and then choose 2 more ways to study (Jeopardy, Ch 3 Study Guide packet, IXL links) and staple evidence to the Gold Sheet. Gold Sheet with evidence stapled is due on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the Real Life Inequalities Practice packet. Attempt 1 Quiz on inequalities is moved to Tuesday (per1,2). Per 8 do the 4.4-4.5 Review sheet and study for quiz. Attempt 1 quiz is moved to Tuesday(per8). Attempt 2 is Friday for all periods.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Geology Road Trip is due this week. Volcano one pagers are due today per 6,7, Monday per 1,2 and Tuesday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due today. Period 6,7,8: Complete all documents for Lesson #14 - Partition
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Answer questions 1-7 on the worksheet that you received in class.
Thursday, December 5
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on narrative for 15 minutes. Use your narrative checklist. Final copy must be turned in in GC by Monday, 12/9.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Attempt 2 Test is Friday and Monday (2 parts). Do the Ch 3 Review sheet and then choose 2 more ways to study (Jeopardy, Ch 3 Study Guide packet, IXL links) and staple evidence to the Gold Sheet. Gold Sheet with evidence stapled is due on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the Real Life Inequalities Practice packet. Attempt 1 Quiz on inequalities is moved to Tuesday (per8). Attempt 1 quiz is moved to Tuesday(per1,2). Attempt 2 will be Friday for per 1,2,8.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Geology Road Trip is due this week. Volcano one pagers are due today per 6,7, Monday per 1,2 and Tuesday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due today. Period 6,7,8: Complete all documents for Lesson #14 - Partition
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Answer questions 1-7 on the worksheet that you received in class.
Wednesday, December 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on narrative for 15 minutes. Use your narrative checklist. Final copy must be turned in in GC by Monday, 12/9.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Attempt 2 Test is Friday and Monday (2 parts). Do the Ch 3 Review sheet and then choose 2 more ways to study (Jeopardy, Ch 3 Study Guide packet, IXL links) and staple evidence to the Gold Sheet. Gold Sheet with evidence stapled is due on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the Real Life Inequalities Practice packet. Attempt 1 Quiz on inequalities is Friday(per8). Attempt 1 quiz coming on Mon(per1,2).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Geology Road Trip Due Wednesday for Pers. 1,2,6,7 and Thursday for Per. 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due Friday, December 6th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Answer questions 1-7 on the worksheet that you received in class.
Tuesday, December 3
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on narrative for 15 minutes. Use your narrative checklist. Final copy must be turned in in GC by Monday, 12/9.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Attempt 2 Test is Friday and Monday (2 parts). Do the Ch 3 Review sheet and then choose 2 more ways to study and staple evidence to the Gold Sheet. Gold Sheet with evidence stapled is due on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 4.4 Practice sheet on Solving and Graphing Inequalities. Attempt 1 quiz coming on Mon(per1,2). Per 8 do the Real Life Inequalities Practice packet. Attempt 1 Quiz on inequalities is Friday(per8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Geology Road Trip Due Wednesday for Pers. 1,2,6,7 and Thursday for Per. 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due Friday, December 6th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Answer questions 1-7 on the worksheet that you received in class.
Monday, December 2
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on narrative for 15 minutes. Final copy must be turned in in GC by Monday, 12/9.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: no homework
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do the 4.4 Practice sheet on Solving and Graphing Inequalities. Attempt 1 quiz coming on Friday(per8) Mon(per1,2).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your CT Road Trip Expert Guide posted in google classroom. This is the first summative of T2! Due Wednesday 11/27.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due Friday, December 6th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review the current vocab. list for at least 10 min. It's posted in G.C. along with a Gimkit practice.
Wednesday, November 27
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: None.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: no homework
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 No homework
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your CT Road Trip Expert Guide posted in google classroom. This is the first summative of T2! Due Wednesday 11/27.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Gandhi Posters due Friday, December 6th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Tuesday, November 26
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Work on your narrative for 15 minutes.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.4-3.5 Review on Expanding, Simplifying and Factoring Algebraic Expressions and some Geometry Applications. Attempt 1 Quiz coming Wednesday on expanding, simplifying and factoring and some perimeter and area problems.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 No homework
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your CT Road Trip Expert Guide posted in google classroom. This is the first summative of T2! Due Wednesday 11/27.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: 1) CER Revisions due tomorrow. 2) Gandhi Posters due Friday, December 6th.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Monday, November 25
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 8, 1, 2: Work on your narrative for 15 minutes.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.5 Factoring Algebraic Expressions. Quiz coming Wednesday on Expanding, Simplifying and Factoring.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 No homework. Per 8 do the Gold Sheet Improvement Plan and you can use 3.1 Equations and 4.2,3.1 Word Problems Review sheets as evidence. Study for the Attempt 2 Test is ( Tues.per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your CT Road Trip Expert Guide posted in google classroom. This is the first summative of T2! Due Wednesday 11/27.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Work on Summative - Gandhi Poster.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Friday, November 22
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Complete the narrative planner. You have the assignment sheet and the idea generator slide is posted in the GC Stream.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.5 Factoring Algebraic Expressions. Quiz coming Wednesday on Expanding, Simplifying and Factoring.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 keep studying (Gold sheet) and finish the stations for the Attempt 2 on Monday that covers solving and classifying equations from 4.2, 3.1,3.2 and real world problems 4.3. Per 8 do the Gold Sheet Improvement Plan and you can use 3.1 Equations and 4.2,3.1 Word Problems Review sheets as evidence. Study for the Attempt 2 Test is (Mon per 1,2)
( Tues.per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on your CT Road Trip Expert Guide posted in google classroom. This is the first summative of T2! Due Wednesday 11/27.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1,2,6,7: Work on Summative - Gandhi Poster.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Thursday, November 21
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: 1. Review rules for punctuating dialogue. Materials are posted in the GC Stream. You also have a paper copy of the rules. Quiz tomorrow for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7. 2. Pers: 6, 7, and 8: Complete the narrative planner.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.4 Expand and Simplify (2 sided)
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Gold Sheet Improvement Plan and you can use 3.1 Equations and 4.2,3.1 Word Problems Review sheets as evidence. Study for the Attempt 2 Test is (Mon per 1,2)
( Tues.per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Check your grade for the plate boundaries research summative and make corrections if you need to. Study for the summative using the blooket.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Wednesday, November 20
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Review rules for punctuating dialogue. Materials are posted in the GC Stream. You also have a paper copy of the rules. Quiz Thurs. for Per. 8 and Fri. for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.4 Practice sheet #1-25 odds only.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Gold Sheet Improvement Plan and you can use 3.1 Equations and 4.2,3.1 Word Problems Review sheets as evidence. Study for the Attempt 2 Test is Monday. Per 8 do the 4.3 Real Life Problems Packet which has 2 different problem sets in it. Do #1-3,5,6 then do #1,2,4,5,6,8,9. Quiz on Word Problems with Equations Thurs (per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Check your grade for the plate boundaries research summative and make corrections if you need to. Study for the summative using the blooket.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 6,7,8: Complete Lesson #12 Handout
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Tuesday, November 19
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Review rules for punctuating dialogue. Materials are posted in the GC Stream. You also have a paper copy of the rules. Quiz Thurs. for Per. 8 and Fri. for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 3.4 Practice sheet #1-25 odds only.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 4.3 Real Life Problems Packet which has 2 different problem sets in it. Do #1-3,5,6 then do #1,2,4,5,6,8,9. Attempt 1 Quiz on Word Problems with Equations is Wednesday (per 1,2) Per 8 do the 4.3 Day 1 Real Life Problems sheet. Quiz on Word Problems with Equations Thurs (per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Check your grade for the plate boundaries research summative and make corrections if you need to. Study for the summative using the blooket.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1,2,6,7 : Complete handout Lesson #12 - Indian Resistance to British Raj
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2, & 7 have a worksheet to complete. You will need pg. 11 of your binder (yellow one given in class).
Monday, November 18
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the turkey talk. Be prepared to present it! Review rules for punctuating dialogue. Materials are posted in the GC Stream. You also have a paper copy of the rules.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do at least 15 problems for the IXL link in Google Classroom. Record the work in your notebook.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 4.3 Day 1 Real Life Problems sheet. Quiz is Wednesday (per 1,2) Thurs (per 8) on 4.3 Solving Real Life Problems with Equations.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Check your grade for the plate boundaries research summative and make corrections if you need to. Study for the summative using the blooket.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete reflection question on Lesson #11 Handout
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: There is no homework this evening.
Friday, November 15
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the turkey talk. Be prepared to present it! Review rules for punctuating dialogue. Materials are posted in the GC Stream. You also have a paper copy of the rules.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Finish the 3.0-3.3 Review sheet (2 sided) and do the Mini Stations Packet. Both are posted in GC with answer keys. Study vocab on your orange sheet too. Quiz coming on Monday on identifying parts of and algebraic expression and simplifying algebraic expressions.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 4.3 Day 1 Real Life word problems sheet. Per 8 do the 3.6 Translating sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the plate boundaries research summative due Thursday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1, 2: Complete Lesson #11 Handout
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: P. 8 has a grammar test on Monday. Please review pgs. 7-9 of your binder. You may also practice with Conjuguemos. There is no homework for the other classes!
Thursday, November 14
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1 and 2: Finish the punctuating dialogue practice. Pers. 6, 7, 8: Finish the turkey talk. Be prepared to present it!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Finish the 3.0-3.3 Review sheet (2 sided) and do the Mini Stations Packet. Both are posted in GC with answer keys. Study vocab on your orange sheet too. Quiz coming on Monday on identifying parts of and algebraic expression and simplifying algebraic expressions.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 watch the video in GC and do the 3.6 Translating worksheet (2 sided). Per 8 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice solving and classifying 2 sided sheet, and do some station work in GC to prep for the Quiz is Friday for per 8.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the plate boundaries research summative due Thursday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 8: CER Summative tomorrow. Per 1,2,6,7: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: P. 8 has a grammar test on Monday. Please review pgs. 7-9 of your binder. You may also practice with Conjuguemos. There is no homework for the other classes!
Wednesday, November 13
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 6, 7, 8: Finish the punctuating dialogue practice.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: 3.3 Practice sheet 2 sided, Simplifying Expressions. Quiz coming on Monday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice solving and classifying 2 sided sheet, and do some station work in GC to prep for the quiz on Thurs.(per 1,2). Quiz is Friday for per 8.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the plate boundaries research summative due Thursday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1,2,6,7 : Complete Lesson #9 - Indian Rebellion handout if it is not completed in class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2,6,7 have a grammar test tomorrow. Period 8 will have the test on Monday. Remember, an excellent way to practice is to use the Conjuguemos site posted in G.C. AND review your notes pg. 7-9 in your binder.
Tuesday, November 12
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: 3.1-3.2 Day 1 Simplifying Expressions Mild, Med, Spicy
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice solving and classifying 2 sided sheet, and do some station work in GC to prep for the quiz on Thurs. Per 8 do the 3.1 worksheet 1-4,7,8,11,12. Quiz coming Thursday (Per 1,2) Friday (per 8) on 4.2,3.1-3.2 solving equations and classifying.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the plate boundaries research summative due Thursday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1,2,6,7 : Complete Lesson #9 - Indian Rebellion handout if it is not completed in class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2,6,7 have a grammar test on Thursday. Period 8 will have the test on Friday. Remember, an excellent way to practice is to use the Conjuguemos site posted in G.C. AND review your notes pg. 7-9 in your binder.
Monday, November 11
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: None, but you should have finished your book club book. Final in-class assessment today for Pers. 6 and 7 and on Tuesday for Pers. 8, 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: 3.1-3.2 Day 1 Simplifying Expressions
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 3.1 worksheet 1-4,7,8,11,12. Quiz coming Thursday on 4.2,3.1-3.2 solving equations and classifying. Per 8 do #20-40 evens from the 4.2 Google Doc that is in GC. Do the problems in your notebook and show all balancing moves and 4 checks. Check the key and revise as needed.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CT State Parks scavenger hunt. Complete the researching earth's layers slides in google classroom. Seismic Explorer Activity due on Friday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1,2,6,7 : Complete Lesson #9 - Indian Rebellion handout if it is not completed in class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2,6,7 have a grammar test on Thursday. Period 8 will have the test on Friday. Remember, an excellent way to practice is to use the Conjuguemos site posted in G.C. AND review your notes pg. 7-9 in your binder.
Friday, November 8
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Finish your book club book this weekend. Final in-class assessment on Monday for Pers. 6 and 7 and on Tuesday for Pers. 8, 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: 3.0 Intro Worksheet on Alg. Expressions (2 sided)
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 do #20-40 evens from the 4.2 Google Doc that is in GC. Do the problems in your notebook and show all balancing moves and 4 checks. Check the key and revise as needed.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CT State Parks scavenger hunt. Complete the researching earth's layers slides in google classroom. Seismic Explorer Activity due on Friday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: If you want to revise your Hinduism and Islam summative, please see me or send an email.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8: review your questions and answers, in order to prepare for the summative speaking assessment in the library tomorrow. All classes should practice verbs using the Conjuguemos link that is posted today in G.C.
Thursday, November 7
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. You need to finish the book this weekend. Be sure you are taking notes on the bookmark as well.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Keep studying for the test to finish it.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do #20-40 evens from the 4.2 Google Doc that is in GC. Do the problems in your notebook and show all balancing moves and 4 checks. Per 8 do #15-31 from the 4.2 Google Doc and show 4 checks. Check the answer key.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CT State Parks scavenger hunt. Complete the researching earth's layers slides in google classroom. Seismic Explorer Activity due on Friday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: If you want to revise your Hinduism and Islam summative, please see me or send an email.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8: review your questions and answers, in order to prepare for the summative speaking assessment in the library tomorrow. All classes should practice verbs using the Conjuguemos link that is posted today in G.C.
Wednesday, November 6
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. You need to finish the book this weekend. Be sure you are taking notes on the bookmark as well.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: no homework
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do #15-31 odds from the 4.2 Google Doc that is in GC. Do the problems in your notebook and show all balancing moves and 4 checks. Per 8 do the 4.2 Solving 2 Step Equations #1-13 sheet and show all steps. Check the answer key.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CT State Parks scavenger hunt. Complete the researching earth's layers slides in google classroom. Seismic Explorer Activity due on Friday!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, ,6, 7: Complete Lesson #7 - handout on how the British gained, consolidated, and maintained power in India. Documents are posted on G.C.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Period 8: review your questions and answers, in order to prepare for the summative speaking assessment in the library on tomorrow. All classes should practice verbs using the Conjuguemos link that is posted today in G.C.
Monday, November 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. You need to finish the book this weekend. Have you turned in your paragraph on dynamic character?
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the Unit A Study Guides, White and Yellow packets. Check the keys and revise as needed. Unit A, Attempt 2 Test is on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 4.2 Solving 2 Step Equations #1-13 sheet and show all steps. Check the answer key.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt due Friday.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, ,6, 7: Complete Lesson #7 - handout on how the British gained, consolidated, and maintained power in India. Documents are posted on G.C.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review your questions and answers, in order to prepare for the summative speaking assessment in the library on Wednesday. (Friday for period 8)
Thursday, October 31
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Make sure to turn in your paragraph on dynamic character that we worked on in class. Read your book club book to the page your group decided.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the Unit A Stations Review Packet and Jeopardy. Check the key and revise as needed. Test is coming on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 4.2 Solving 2 Step Equations #1-13 sheet and show all steps. Check the answer key. Per 8 no homework
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt due next week.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, ,6, 7: Complete Lesson #7 - handout on how the British gained, consolidated, and maintained power in India. Documents are posted on G.C.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review your questions to prepare for the summative speaking assessment in the library next week.
Wednesday, October 30
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2, 8: Study tricky words. Quiz is tomorrow. Use your study quiz and the Quizizz that is also posted in the GC Stream. All classes: Make sure to turn in your paragraph on dynamic character that we worked on in class. Read your book club book to the page your group decided.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the Stations Review Packet and Jeopardy. Check the key and revise as needed. Test is coming on Wednesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 work on the Gold Sheet and go to GC for resources to begin to study for the Unit B, Ch 3 Attempt 2 on Wednesday. The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt. Study for our Fossils, Continental Drift, Seafloor spreading Quiz on Wednesday per 1, 2, 6, 7, and Thursday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, ,6, 7: Complete Lesson #7 - handout on how the British gained, consolidated, and maintained power in India. Documents are posted on G.C.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Several people have to finish their paragraph and photo on the Class Directory slide in G.C.
Tuesday, October 29
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study tricky words. Use your study quiz and the Quizizz that is also posted in the GC Stream. Quiz Wed. 10/30 for Pers. 6, 7 and Thurs. 10/31 for Pers. 1, 2, 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5-2.6 Review sheet (2 sided) and the IXL links in GC. Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 work on the Gold Sheet and go to GC for resources to begin to study for the Unit B, Ch 3 Attempt 2 on Wednesday. The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt. Study for our Fossils, Continental Drift, Seafloor spreading Quiz on Wednesday per 1, 2, 6, 7, and Thursday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Hinduism Diagram. Study for your religion summative next week (per 1, 2: Monday and per 6,7,8: Tues). It will not be open notes.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Several people have to finish their paragraph and photo on the Class Directory slide in G.C.
Monday, October 28
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study tricky words. Use your study quiz and the Quizizz that is also posted in the GC Stream. Quiz Wed. 10/30 for Pers. 6, 7 and Thurs. 10/31 for Pers. 1, 2, 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5-2.6 Review sheet (2 sided) and the IXL links in GC. Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 work on the Gold Sheet and go to GC for resources to begin to study for the Unit B, Ch 3 Attempt 2 on Wednesday. The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt. Study for our Fossils, Continental Drift, Seafloor spreading Quiz on Wednesday per 1, 2, 6, 7, and Thursday per 8.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Hinduism Diagram. Study for your religion summative next week (per 1, 2: Monday and per 6,7,8: Tues). It will not be open notes.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review the grammar with Quizizz in G.C.
Friday, October 25
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study tricky words. Use your study quiz and the Quizizz that is also posted in the GC Stream. Quiz Wed. 10/30 for Pers. 6, 7 and Thurs. 10/31 for Pers. 1, 2, 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5-2.6 Review sheet (2 sided) and the IXL links in GC. Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 work on the Gold Sheet and go to GC for resources to begin to study for the Unit B, Ch 3 Attempt 2 on Wednesday. Per 8 finish the stations and Khan Academy links and redo old HW problems to study for the Attempt 1 quiz Monday. The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt. Seafloor spreading worksheets (A, B, or C)
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Hinduism Diagram. Study for your religion summative next week (per 1, 2: Monday and per 6,7,8: Tues). It will not be open notes.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: The only people who have homework are those who did NOT do the Class Directory paragraph and the Padlet recording. I will not be accepting them next week. (unless you are someone who has been absent).
Thursday, October 24
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Pers. 1 and 2: Study Vocab Week 3. Quiz tomorrow.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.6 Multiply and Divide decimals sheet (2 sided). Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday next week.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 finish the stations and Khan Academy links and redo old HW problems to study for the Attempt 1 quiz Friday. Quiz coming Friday (per1,2) Monday (per 8). The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the CT state park scavenger hunt. Seafloor spreading worksheets (A, B, or C)
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete Hinduism Diagram. Study for your religion summative next week (per 1, 2: Monday and per 6,7,8: Tues). It will not be open notes.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: The only people who have homework are those who still owe the Class Directory paragraph and the Padlet recording. Periods 1,2 were due yesterday, and the rest of the classes are due today.
Wednesday, October 23
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study Vocab Week 3. Quiz on Thursday, 10/24 for Periods 6, 7, 8, and Friday, 10/25 for Periods 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.6 Add and Subtract decimals sheet (2 sided). Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday next week.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, finish the stations and Khan Academy links and redo old HW problems to study for the Attempt 1 quiz Friday. Per 8 do the 3.4-3.5 Factoring packet. Quiz coming Friday (per1,2) Monday (per 8). The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CER Revisions, Fossils and Layers Form for homework. Plotting points on the seafloor worksheet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1,2 : Complete Hinduism Diagram
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a paragraph to write, AND a video to record. Periods 1& 2 are due today. The rest of the classes are due tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 22
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study Vocab Week 3. Quiz on Thursday, 10/24 for Periods 6, 7, 8, and Friday, 10/25 for Periods 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.6 Add and Subtract decimals sheet (2 sided). Check the key and revise as needed. Quiz is coming on Tuesday next week.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 3.4-3.5 Factoring packet. Quiz will be Friday. Per 8 3.4 practice sheet. Quiz coming Friday (per1,2) Monday (per 8). The Attempt 2 for Ch 3 will be Wednesday 10/30 (per 1,2) and Thurs 10/31 (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CER Revisions, Fossils and Layers Form for homework. Plotting points on the seafloor worksheet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Study Islam and Hinduism concept diagram for upcoming summative.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1 & 2 have a paragraph to type, and a Padlet to record, due tomorrow. See Google Classroom for the Directory (to find your slide to type). The Padlet is posted in G.C. as well. Remember, you are recording using VIDEO recorder. Periods 6,7,8 are due on Thursday.
Monday, October 21
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study Vocab Week 3. Quiz on Thursday, 10/24 for Periods 6, 7, 8, and Friday, 10/25 for Periods 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5 Add and Subtract Day 2 sheet (2 sided). Check the key and revise as needed.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 3.4 practice sheet. Quiz coming Friday (per1,2) Monday (per 8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CER Revisions, Fossils and Layers Form for homework. Plotting points on the seafloor worksheet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, 6, 7: Complete the Islam Concept Diagram.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Complete the Quizizz assignment posted in Google Classroom. You may ignore the Identity Directory assignment in G.C. for now, as we didn't have time to get to it today.
Thursday, October 17
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided. Study Vocab Week 3. Quiz on Thursday, 10/24 for Periods 6, 7, 8, and Friday, 10/25 for Periods 1, 2.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5 Operations with Rational Numbers packet, circled problems only. Check the key and revise as needed.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 3.1-3.3 Day 2 Practice sheet, 2 sided. Per 8 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice sheet, 2 sided.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on CER Revisions, Fossils and Layers Form for homework. Plotting points on the seafloor worksheet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Period 1, 2, 6, 7: Complete the Islam Concept Diagram.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Complete the Quizizz assignment posted in Google Classroom.
Wednesday, October 16
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5 Add and Subtract Pos and Negative Fractions sheet (2 sided)
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice sheet, 2 sided.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the Building Pangaea gizmo or the book option, “continental drift lab report”. Fossils and Layers Form is Homework due 10/17.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete the Islam stations you worked on during class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review your new grammar notes, page 9 in your binder.
Friday, October 11
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book club book to the page your group decided.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5 Multiply and Divide Positive and Negative Fractions sheet. #1-8.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice sheet, 2 sided. Per 8 no homework but you can try the enrichment problems in GC under the enrichment category.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Work on the Building Pangaea gizmo or the book option, “continental drift lab report”.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Periods 1,2: Complete the Islam stations you worked on during class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 6, 7, 8 have a paper with questions to answer.
Thursday, October 10
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Per. 8: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream. Quiz is tomorrow. Pers. 1 & 2: Read Ch. 1 of your book club book. Pers. 6 & 7: Read Chs. 1 and 2 by next Wednesday's class.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.5 Multiply and Divide Positive and Negative Fractions sheet. #1-8.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 3.1-3.2 Practice sheet, 2 sided. Per 8 no homework but you can try the enrichment problems in GC under the enrichment category.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Rock Research Slides in google classroom due Monday 10/7. Courtyard CER is due on Wednesday 10/9.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete map of South Asia if you did not finish in class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: P. 8 has a listening test tomorrow on classroom expressions/vocabulary. P. 1,2,6,7 have a paper with 10 questions to answer.
Wednesday, October 9
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream. Quiz is Thursday for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7, and Friday for Per. 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: go to GC for 10/9 and follow the directions to watch videos and do IXL links. Record your work in your notebook please.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the Gold Improvement plan and staple evidence for 3 ways that you studied. You must do the stations. Test is Thursday (per 1,2) Friday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Rock Research Slides in google classroom due Monday 10/7. Courtyard CER is due on Wednesday 10/9.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete map of South Asia if you did not finish in class.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Practice page 8 notes in your binder, or do the Gimkit posted in G.C. There will be a short listening assessment tomorrow/Friday, based on basic expressions used in the classroom.
Tuesday, October 8
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream. Quiz is Thursday for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7, and Friday for Per. 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 2.3-2.4 HW/Extra Practice Review sheet and finish your Stations. Study for the Attempt 1B Quiz coming Wednesday on multiply, divide and order of operations with negative and positive integers.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Gold Improvement plan and staple evidence for 3 ways that you studied. You must do the stations. Test is Thursday. Per 8 do the Gold Improvement Plan Evidence. Attach evidence to show at least 3 ways that you studied for the Attempt 2 Test. Attempt 2 Test will be Friday (Per8)
Science - Mr. Reilly: Rock Research Slides in google classroom due Monday 10/7. Courtyard CER is due on Wednesday 10/9.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: CER Revisions are due Wednesday (10/9).
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2,6,7 have a worksheet to complete. Use your notes (pg. 8 in your binder). Many people forgot to turn in their signed Class Dojo reflection paper. Please bring it to the next class.
Monday, October 7
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream. Quiz is Thursday for Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7, and Friday for Per. 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 2.3-2.4 Review sheet and finish your Stations. Study for the Attempt 1B Quiz coming Wednesday on multiply, divide and order of operations with negative and positive integers.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Gold Improvement Plan Evidence. Attach evidence to show at least 3 ways that you studied for the Attempt 2 Test. Test is Thursday for per 1,2. Per 8 do the 2.1-2.6 Applications with Rational Numbers sheet #1-6 Quiz Tuesday on Word Problems. Attempt 2 Test will be Friday (Per8) next week.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Rock Research Slides in google classroom due Monday 10/7. Courtyard CER is due on Wednesday 10/9.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: CER Revisions are due Wednesday (10/9).
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2,6,7 have a worksheet to complete. Use your notes (pg. 8 in your binder). Many people forgot to turn in their signed Class Dojo reflection paper. Please bring it to the next class.
Friday, October 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream. Bring your library books to the next class.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do 2.4 PEMDAS Practice Sheet A and choose 4 mild, 4 medium, 1 spicy. Quiz coming Wednesday on multiply, divide and order of operations with negative and positive integers.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 2.1-2.6 Applications with Rational Numbers sheet #1-6. Quiz is Monday (per 1,2) Quiz Tues. (per 8) on Word Problems. Attempt 2 Test will be on Thursday (per 1,2). Attempt 2 Test will be Friday (Per8) next week.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Rock Research Slides in google classroom due Monday 10/7. Courtyard CER is due on Wednesday 10/9.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Ancient Civilization Narrative is due today. If you want to revise your CER, please email me. CER Revisions are due next Wednesday (10/9).
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Many people forgot to turn in their signed Class Dojo reflection paper. Please bring it to the next class.
Wednesday, October 2
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 6, 7, 8: Practice for your book talk! One-Minute Talk on Fri., 10/4 (Pers. 6, 7, 8). Use the sheet. All classes: Study Week Two Vocab. Slideshow and Quizizz are in the GC Stream.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the Integer Operations Review and the Order of Operations Mild, Med, Spicy worksheets for 20 minutes. 2.4 Order of Operations worksheet problems a. through f.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.1-2.6 Applications with Rational Numbers sheet #1-6. Quiz is Monday on Word Problems. Attempt 2 Test will be on Thursday. Per 8 do the Application Problems Packet and Choose 4 level 1, 5 level 2 and at least 1 level 3. You must do the starred problems as part of your choice. Quiz coming Tuesday and Attempt 2 Test will be Friday next week.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Adopt a rock lab make ups are due by Friday 10/4. Rock Research Slides in google classroom.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Ancient Civilization Narrative is due on Friday. If you want to revise your CER, please email me. Periods 6,7, 8: Research notes are due Fri.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Continue to review the "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder. Period 8, ask your parents to sign the Class Dojo reflection paper, after you have explained what the positive and negative points mean. Bring in the signed paper.
Tuesday, October 1
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Practice for your book talk! One-Minute Talk on Wed., 10/2 (Pers. 1 & 2) and Fri., 10/4 (Pers. 6, 7, 8). Use the sheet.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the Integer Operations Review and the Order of Operations Mild, Med, Spicy worksheets for 20 minutes. 2.4 Order of Operations worksheet problems a. through f.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Application Problems Packet and Choose 4 level 1, 5 level 2 and at least 1 level 3. You must do the starred problems as part of your choice. Quiz coming Monday. Per 8 do the 2.3-2.4 Application HW sheet #1-3.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Adopt a rock lab make ups are due by Friday 10/4. Rock Research Slides in google classroom.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Research notes are due Wednesday, Oct 2.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Continue to review the "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder. Ask your parents to sign the Class Dojo reflection paper, after you have explained what the positive and negative points mean.
Monday, September 30
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1 and 2: Study Week One Vocab. Quiz tomorrow. Be sure you do the Quizizz! All classes: Practice for your book talk! One-Minute Talk on Wed., 10/2 (Pers. 1 & 2) and Fri., 10/4 (Pers. 6, 7, 8). Use the sheet.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.4 Order of Operations worksheet problems a. through f.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Application Problems Packet and Choose 4 level 1, 5 level 2 and at least 1 level 3. You must do the starred problems as part of your choice. Quiz coming Monday. Per 8 do the 2.3-2.4 Application HW sheet #1-3.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab was due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5). Adopt a Rock Lab (Summative) is Due Friday 9/27/24!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Research notes are due Wednesday, Oct 2.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Continue to review the "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder. Teach your family members some of the questions we are using in class. There is also a Quizizz to work on discovering the new grammar.
Friday, September 27
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week One Vocab. Quiz Monday for Pers. 6, 7, 8, and Tuesday for Pers. 1 and 2. Be sure you do the Quizizz! Also finish your September book this weekend!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.4 Order of Operations worksheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the Application Problems Packet and Choose 4 level 1, 5 level 2 and at least 1 level 3. You must do the starred problems as part of your choice. Per 8 do the 2.3-2.4 Application HW sheet #1-3.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab was due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5). Adopt a Rock Lab (Summative) is Due Friday 9/27/24!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Research notes are due Wednesday, Oct 2.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Continue to review the "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder. Teach your family members some of the questions we are using in class.
Thursday, September 26
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study Week One Vocab. Quiz Monday for Pers. 6, 7, 8, and Tuesday for Pers. 1 and 2. Be sure you do the Quizizz! Also finish your September book this weekend!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.4 Order of Operations worksheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.3-2.4 Application HW sheet. Per 8 do the 2.3-2.6 Application Problems #1-4 and read the direction bullets carefully.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab was due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5). Adopt a Rock Lab (Summative) is Due Friday 9/27/24!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Work on your Research Notes on Ancient Civilizations.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder.
Wednesday, September 25
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: 1. Study Week One Vocab. 2. Read your September book. Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream). Retakes will happen during Flex on Tuesday and Thursday.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.3 Mult and Divide and Word Problems worksheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 2.3-2.6 Application Problems #1-4 and read the direction bullets carefully.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab was due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5). Adopt a Rock Lab (Summative) is Due Friday 9/27/24!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Work on your Research Notes on Ancient Civilizations.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Review "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom, or with yellow paper #5 in your binder.
Tuesday, September 24
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: 1. Study Week One Vocab. 2. Read your September book. Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream). Retakes will happen during Flex on Tuesday and Thursday.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.3 Mult and Divide Integers worksheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.3-2.6 Application Problems #1-4 and read the direction bullets carefully. Per 8 do the 2.1-2.4 Review Packet Problems #2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 , 15 and 18-25. 2.1-2.4 Quiz on Wednesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: Complete at least half a page of research notes on your cultural universal.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Today is the final day that I'm accepting late Padlet videos that were due last Friday. Review "ar" verbs with the Quizlet in Google Classroom.
Monday, September 23
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: 1. Study Week One Vocab. 2. Read your September book. Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream). Retakes will happen during Flex on Tuesday and Thursday.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: do the 2.3 Mult and Divide Integers worksheet.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.1-2.4 Review Packet Problems #2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 , 15 and 18-25 do 2.4 Quiz coming Tuesday. Per 8 do the 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers sheet (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due Tuesday 9/24/24! Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Periods 1, 2, 6, 7: Complete at least half a page of research notes on your cultural universal.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: 26 people did not due the Padlet that was due last Friday. It must be in by tomorrow, or the "LE" grade will stay in PowerSchool (unless you have been out ill, of course).
Friday, September 20
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Do I have your leaf? Annotate the story "The Sound of Annie's Silence." Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream).
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: watch the video in GC and take notes. Do 8 IXL problems from the GC link. Record them in your spiral notebook.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers (2 sided sheet). Quiz coming next Tuesday. Per 8 do the 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers sheet (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday next week.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Uses for Igneous Rocks (In google classroom) is due Friday September 20th. The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due next week! Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: No homework this weekend unless you didn't finish your Padlet recording.
Thursday, September 19
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Do I have your leaf? Annotate the story "The Sound of Annie's Silence." Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream).
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: watch the video in GC and take notes. Do 8 IXL problems from the GC link. Record them in your spiral notebook.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers (2 sided sheet). Quiz coming next Tuesday. Per 8 do the 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers sheet (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday next week.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Uses for Igneous Rocks (In google classroom) is due Friday September 20th. The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due next week! Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a Padlet due tomorrow. This is the first speaking assessment that will be put into PowerSchool.
Wednesday, September 18
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Do I have your leaf? Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7: Annotate the story. Students who are planning to do a retake on the capitalization quiz need to complete the extra practice and study (do the IXL and practice quiz posted in the GC Stream).
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: watch the video in GC and take notes. Do 8 IXL problems from the GC link. Record them in your spiral notebook.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do 2.4 PEMDAS with Rational Numbers (2 sided sheet). Quiz coming next Tuesday. Per 8 do the 2.3 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Uses for Igneous Rocks (In google classroom) is due Friday September 20th. The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due Friday September 20th. Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: P. 8 has a Hispanic Heritage Google Slide due on Thursday. Remember, you will be presenting your information to the class. Periods 1 and 2 have a Padlet due on Thursday. Periods 6, 7, 8 Padlet is due on Friday.
Tuesday, September 17
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book for 15 mins. Finish the friendship paragraph leaf.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.1-2.2 Review Packet (skip #11,12) and check the key. Finish the stations if needed. Try the IXL links in GC. Attempt 1A Quiz coming on Wednesday for adding and subtracting integers and real world problems.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 2.3 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: The Uses for Igneous Rocks (In google classroom) is due Friday September 20th. The Rocks of the Earth's Crust Lab is due Friday September 20th. Complete all activities (1-5).
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: No HW
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a Hispanic Heritage Google Slide due Wednesday (p.8 is due Thursday). Remember, you will be presenting your information to the class. Periods 1 and 2 also have a Padlet due on Thursday. Periods 6, 7, 8 Padlet is due Friday.
Monday, September 16
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book for 15 mins. Pers. 1 and 2: Finish the friendship paragraph leaf.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.2More Practice Subtracting Integers sheet # 2,4,6,7-10 and finish yesterdays HW if needed (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 2.3 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers sheet. Per 8 watch the video in GC and take notes. Do the 2.3 Mult and Divide Integers Practice sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the Qualitative vs Quantitative Hw posted in google classroom. Complete activity 1 and 2 in the rocks of the earth's crust lab. Due Monday 9/16. Edpuzzle was due Thursday 9/12.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1, 2: Prepare for CER Response Summative (open notes) Monday. Per 6,7,8: Prepare for CER Response Summative Tuesday
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a Hispanic Heritage Google Slide due Wednesday (p.8 is due Thursday). Remember, you will be presenting your information to the class. Periods 1 and 2 also have a Padlet due on Thursday.
Friday, September 13
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Read your book for 15 mins. Capitalization quiz is Monday for Period 8. Study materials posted in the GC Stream.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.2More Practice Subtracting Integers sheet # 2,4,6,7-10 and finish yesterdays HW if needed (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, do the 2.3 Multiplying and Dividing Integers sheet after you watch the video in GC. Per 8 the 2.2 Subtr Rats B and do more KA practice links or the Quizziz in GC. Attempt 1 quiz on 2.1-2.2 is Friday. Per 8 Attempt 1 Quiz on adding and subtracting rational numbers is coming on Monday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete the Qualitative vs Quantitative Hw posted in google classroom. Complete activity 1 and 2 in the rocks of the earth's crust lab. Due Monday 9/16. Edpuzzle was due Thursday 9/12.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1, 2: Prepare for CER Response Summative (open notes) Monday. Per 6,7,8: Prepare for CER Response Summative Tuesday
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 have a country Google Slide due on Wed. Period 8 has a name poster due on Monday. See G.C. for the directions. I also gave you a paper copy in class.
Thursday, September 12
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study rules for capitalization (see GC Stream) and read your book for 15 mins. Capitalization quiz is tomorrow for Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 and Monday (9/16) for Period 8.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.2 Subtracting Integers sheet (2 sided). Quiz coming on Wednesday
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2, 8 the 2.2 Subtr Rats B and do more KA practice links or the Quizziz in GC. Attempt 1 quiz on 2.1-2.2 is Friday. Per 8 Attempt 1 Quiz on adding and subtracting rational numbers is coming on Monday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Edpuzzle on the rock cycle is homework that is due Thursday September 12th. Hand in your Flipping Out CER if you have not yet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: One-pager on cultural artifacts due.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 have a name poster due tomorrow. Period 8 is due on Monday. See G.C. for the directions. I also gave you a paper copy in class.
Wednesday, September 11
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study rules for capitalization (see GC Stream) and read your book for 15 mins. Capitalization quiz is this Friday for Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 and Monday (9/16) for Period 8. Reminder: You will need wired earbuds for class this week.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.1 Day 2 Adding Integers and Real Life Problems sheet (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 the 2.2 Subtr Rats B and do more KA practice links or the Quizziz in GC. Attempt 1 quiz on 2.1-2.2 is Friday. Per 8 do the 2.2 Adding Rational Numbers Practice (2 sided). Show efficient methods please. Attempt 1 Quiz on adding and subtracting rational numbers is coming on Monday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Edpuzzle on the rock cycle is homework that is due Thursday September 12th. Hand in your Flipping Out CER if you have not yet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1, 2: One-Pager due today. Per 6, 7, 8: Work on one-pager on cultural artifacts.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 have a name poster due on Friday. Period 8 is due on Monday. See G.C. for the directions. I also gave you a paper copy in class.
Tuesday, September 10
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study rules for capitalization (see GC Stream) and read your book for 15 mins. Reminder: You will need wired earbuds for class this week.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.1 Day 2 Adding Integers and Real Life Problems sheet (2 sided).
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.2 Subtracting Rational Numbers sheet (2 sided) and do the Google Form Prog check. Attempt 1 quiz on 2.1-2.2 is Friday. Per 8 do the 2.2 Adding Rational Numbers Practice (2 sided). Show efficient methods please. Attempt 1 Quiz on adding and subtracting rational numbers is coming on Monday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Edpuzzle on the rock cycle is homework that is due Thursday September 12th. Hand in your Flipping Out CER if you have not yet.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Per 1, 2, 6, 7: Work on one pager on cultural artifacts.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes have a vocabulary worksheet to complete for next class. Periods 1, 2, 6, 7 have a name poster due on Friday.
Monday, September 9
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study rules for capitalization (see GC Stream) and read your book for 15 mins. Reminder: You will need wired earbuds for class this week.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 2.1 Adding Integers Practice #1-6 and choose 2 more.
Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2,8 do the 2.2 Adding Rational Numbers Practice (2 sided). Show efficient methods please. Attempt 1 Quiz on adding and subtracting rational numbers is coming on Friday (per 1,2) Monday (per 8).
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete your CER for the flipping out lab. Make sure to include data from the Team B sheet on GC. Make sure to follow the CER checklist. Due Today!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: HW #1 - Contested Objects of the British Museum. Per 6,7,8: Quiz Mon on high-quality questions.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: period 8 has a worksheet on vocabulary, to complete for next class. All classes need to ACTIVELY review the blue vocab. paper, using one of the study methods discussed in class. You can also review using the Quizlet that I added to Google Classroom.
Friday, September 6
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Study rules for capitalization (see GC Stream) and read your book for 15 mins.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 1.1 Rational Numbers Sheet #1-7,12. Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 2.2 Adding Rational Numbers Practice (2 sided). Show efficient methods please. Per 8 do the 1.1 Rational Numbers sheet and keep revising Computation A if needed.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete your CER for the flipping out lab. Make sure to include data from the Team B sheet on GC. Make sure to follow the CER checklist.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: HW #1 - Contested Objects of the British Museum. Per 6,7,8: Quiz Mon on high-quality questions.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes need to ACTIVELY review the blue vocab. paper, using one of the study methods discussed in class. You can also review using the Quizlet that I added to Google Classroom.
Wednesday, September 4
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Be ready tomorrow with a folder and notebook for LA class. Please label! Also read you new book for 15 minutes.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the 1.1 Rational Numbers Sheet #1-7,12. Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 do the 1.1 Rational Numbers sheet and keep revising Computation A. Per 8 if your score was less than 19/20 on Computation A then do the revisions. Do the 1.4 Ice Cream Cone 2 sided sheet.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete your Tools of Volume worksheet posted in Google classroom.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Periods 1, 2, 6, 7: HW #1 - Contested Artifacts of the British Museum Due Sun. Quiz on high-quality notes. Period 8: HW #1 - Contested Artifacts of the British Museum Due Fri. Quiz on high-quality notes on Monday.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: All classes need to ACTIVELY review the blue vocab. paper, using one of the study methods discussed in class. You can also review using the Resources section of Google Classroom, that I showed you today.
Tuesday, September 3
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Be ready tomorrow with a folder and notebook for LA class. Please label! Pers. 1 and 2: Read you new book for 15 minutes.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: If you still need to finish the Getting to Know you sheet, Get the Gold sheet signed and shop for supplies. Please label supplies Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 if your score was less than 19/20 on Computation A then do the revisions. Do the 1.4 Ice Cream Cone 2 sided sheet. Per 8 Do Getting to Know you and Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies.
Science - Mr. Reilly: Complete your Tools of Volume worksheet posted in Google classroom.
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: All periods join Google Classroom. See the email invite.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Periods 1,2 and 8 need to spend at least 10 minutes reviewing the blue vocab. list that you received in class today. Be sure to label and bring in your Spanish binder and notebook, if you did not get these items checked today.
Friday, August 30
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: None, unless you didn't send me your summer reading email. Reminder: You need a folder and notebook for LA class. Please label!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: If you still need to finish the Getting to Know you sheet, Get the Gold sheet signed and shop for supplies. Please label supplies Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 If needed do the Getting to Know you sheet. Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Per 8 Do Getting to Know you and Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A due 9/3
Science - Mr. Reilly: Get your supplies including one-subject notebook and a folder. Optional is three-ring binder. Be sure to label everything!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: All periods join Google Classroom. See the email invite.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: I will be looking for your supplies on Tuesday. You need a notebook for Spanish class only, and a three-ring binder for Spanish only. Be sure to label everything!
Thursday, August 29
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: All classes: Finish the summer reading email if you need to. Finish the LA survey. Get a folder and notebook for LA class. Please label!
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Do the Getting to Know you sheet Get the Gold sheet signed and shop for supplies. Please label supplies Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 Do the Getting to Know you sheet. Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A is due 8/30. Per 8 Do Getting to Know you and Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A due 9/3
Science - Mr. Reilly: Get your supplies including one-subject notebook and a folder. Optional is three-ring binder. Be sure to label everything!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: All periods join Google Classroom. See the email invite.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: I will be looking for your supplies on Tuesday. You need a notebook for Spanish class only, and a three-ring binder for Spanish only. Be sure to label everything!
Wednesday, August 28
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2: Finish the summer reading email if you need to. Pers. 6, 7, 8: Finish the LA survey sheet. All classes: Get a folder and notebook for LA class.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Get the Gold sheet signed and shop for supplies. Please label supplies Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 Do the Getting to Know you sheet. Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A is due 8/30. Per 8 Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A due 9/2
Science - Mr. Reilly: Get your supplies including one-subject notebook and a folder. Optional is three-ring binder. Be sure to label everything!
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: All periods: 1) Read and sign the course overview. 2) Get a folder and notebook. Period 1 and 2: Join Google Classroom
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Complete the "Mis alumnos nuevos" worksheet about your personal experiences in Spanish class. Get your supplies including a notebook for Spanish class only, and a three-ring binder for Spanish only. Be sure to label everything!
Tuesday, August 27
Language Arts - Mrs. Smith: Pers. 1, 2, 6, 7: Finish the LA survey sheet. Get a folder and notebook for LA class.
Math - Mrs. Schaefer: Pre Algebra: Get the Gold sheet signed and shop for supplies. Please label supplies Adv. Pre Algebra: Per 1,2 Get the Goldsheet signed and shop for supplies. Computation A is due 8/30.
Science - Mr. Reilly:
Social Studies - Mr. Yep: Pers 1, 2, 6, 7: 1) Read and sign the course overview. 2) Get a folder and notebook for Social Studies.
Spanish - Mrs. Szykowny: Complete the "Mis alumnos nuevos" worksheet about your personal experiences in Spanish class.