Senior Expedition

A successful Senior Expedition is a graduation requirement, but more importantly, it is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their highest level of learning at Four Rivers. Students choose a topic that interests them, they develop guiding questions around it, they learn all about the topic and become an expert on it, they do something with the knowledge gained, and they give a presentation to the community on what they have learned, how they learned it and what they did with their knowledge. Senior Expedition is a time-intensive, demanding project requiring a level of commitment beyond that of any other academic endeavor at Four Rivers.

Junior Internship

The Junior Internship is a key part of the final division of the school. The internship happens outside the school in the community, with students finding a mentor in a professional setting connected to their interests. Students spend a week – sometimes more – in the work place with their mentors *and then create a display that documents their internship experience. The Junior Internship Project is a step toward preparing for the Senior Expedition.

Independent Studies

One option in Division III (11th/12th Grade) is to conduct an independent study for credit. Students in Division III may create independent studies that are standards-based and meet course requirements of Four Rivers. Independent studies must follow the format and criteria described in the Independent Study Contract, to be approved by the Principal.

Learning through Work/Service

Students may also earn elective credit for internships or other work outside of school that is related to academic subject matter. For example, a student might volunteer as an assistant in a pre-school, have an internship in a machine shop, or work as a volunteer in the local fire department. Experiences that stretch both a student’s knowledge and skills are considered credit worthy. Students who wish to earn credit through work or service must complete an Internship Contract, to be approved by the Principal.