Ski & Snowboard Mountaineering

This course is designed for those skiers and boarders who are proficient on Alpine, Telemark, Randonee or Snowboard equipment, who are in good physical condition, and who want to improve their knowledge, skill and safety when entering the realm of the winter alpine. Completion of this course prepares you to safely ski and snowboard in most backcountry destinations and when coupled with our Glacier Travel Course gets you ready to, as an example, climb and snowboard off Mt. Baker.

The course consists of seven evening classroom sessions via Zoom and three field days. Backcountry Equipment, Emergency Bivy and Equipment Repair ,Winter Mountain Weather, Intermediate Winter Navigation Winter Health and Safety, , Emergency Evacuation and Winter Camping. There is a one day Basic Maneuvers FT to get used to that new equipment and a weekend Overnight FT, location TBD, which includes building snow shelters and emphasis on safe route finding and touring. (schedule below). Register for only ONE of the basic maneuvers filed trips and ONE of the overnight field trips.

To Participate in this course you must :

  1. Have taken a Basic Navigation course or attend an evening lecture (date TBD) on basic navigation and complete an equivalency test prior to the Nav lecture

  2. Have taken or be enrolled in an AIARE Level One avalanche course. Students must complete AIARE level-one to participate in the Overnight FT in March.