PE Rules and Procedures

- Students should enter gymnasium quietly and sit in squads.

- Any clothing that needs to be removed should be done before sitting down.

- Sneakers need to be tied properly.

- Once students are quiet and facing forward, roll call will be taken.

- Entering or leaving the gym or building should always be done in an orderly quiet fashion.

- Safety is always a must. No horseplay or misuse of equipment will be tolerated.

- Students should not touch any equipment until told to do so.

- No gum chewing allowed.

- Follow all rules of an activity.

- No foul language.

- Body control is a must.

- Sportsmanship and self-control is important at all times.

- Give your best effort at all times.

- Pay attention and listen.

- Conflicts will be resolved peacefully.

- If a student does not participate due to medical reasons a note is required. A parent note is only good for 1 day. After that a doctor's note is required.