7th Grade

In 7th grade, students experience their first pure content teaching model where each and every class is taught by a different teacher. The amount of transition they experience virtually triples and the academic demands become more pronounced to model an introduction to high school rigors and procedures. This period is often referred to as one of the most challenging years a student will have academically, socially, and emotionally. But do not be afraid! The 7th grade teachers are well equipped to support your child through this transitional time where they teach them how to develop and sustain a sense of personal responsibility for their academic successes as well as struggling moments - and we ALL have them! While your child's teachers will maintain expectations just as in previous years, they are sensitive to the demands this year may bring and are exceptional in supporting their students throughout the year. As their Counselor, I will be offering a significant amount of support as well and am also here for the parents and guardians who may have more questions as their child begins the year. Themes commonly covered in 7th grade include a deeper understanding of career awareness and readiness, academic and organizational support, conflict resolution with more advanced mediation techniques, the concept of confidentiality and effective communication skill building, continued development in self esteem and self efficacy, a deeper awareness of cultural and interpersonal differences, more movement between and amongst peer groups, development of romantic interests/awareness/conflicts, and support for personal and emotional issues which lie outside of the school setting. I often run personal growth support groups which vary year to year, depending upon need and scheduling protocols.