Course Outline

This course is designed to prepare students for a college mathematics course. Algebra topics as well as an introduction to functions are included in the curriculum, which places an emphasis on topics included on the SAT 1 as well as the PARCC test.

Materials: You will need to have these things with you every day... no exceptions.

· Notebook or three-ring binder

· Chromebook

· Pencils and erasers

· Textbook will be available in Google Classroom

    • We will have a classroom set of textbooks to share. Therefore, a pdf version of each chapter will be in Google Classroom.


  • Tests 35%

  • Quizzes 25%

  • Homework 20%

  • Classwork 15%

  • Class Participation 5%


  • Homework will be assigned daily and will be due the following day.

  • Each assignment will be worth 2 points.

  • I require that students show all work.

  • Late homework can be turned in for half credit within a reasonable amount of time.

Do Nows:

  • Starting next week, you will receive a Do Now paper which you will hold onto for 2 weeks. You must complete each day on the paper and SHOW ALL WORK! If you are absent or late to class, please make a note of that on the paper. You will not need to make them up.

  • If you lose your Do Now paper, you will not receive a new one until the next week. It is your responsibility to keep track of it.

  • I will check your Do Nows every Friday and it will be worth a 5 point classwork grade.

Journal Entries:

  • At the beginning of every week, you will be given a question/prompt to complete. You should write anywhere between 3-5 sentences and feel free to write more.

  • This will be a classwork assignment worth 2 points per entry. I will check your journal at the end of 4 weeks, so it will be a grade worth 8 points.

  • I will give each of you a Google doc to use for 4 weeks and then you will turn it in at the end of the 4 week cycle.

Cultural/Heritage Celebration Activity:

  • Each month 2-3 students will research an individual who has made a contribution to STEM, Education, or the Arts based on the monthly equity focus. You will have the option to either give a 1-2 minute presentation to the class or create a powerpoint presentation that I will present to the class. Your presentation should include: who you chose, what their contributions were, and why you chose that person

  • Students will have the opportunity to choose which month they want to sign up for.

  • This assignment will be a 5 point homework assignment.


    • If you are absent from school, you will have the same number of days to make up all notes, homework, and tests/quizzes. After that period of time, you will lose credit. It is your responsibility to show me the work and schedule make-up tests.

    • It is important that you are in class on test/quiz day. If you are absent on these days, you MUST make up the test/quiz after school or during another arranged time, NOT during class time. You have already missed one class period; you cannot afford to miss another.

Expectations For Behavior:

    • When class begins, I expect that you are ready to go... in your seat, with homework out, and working on the Do Now. We are here to work, so please BE PREPARED!

    • Respect classmates, teachers, and yourself. This is YOUR education, please take it seriously.

    • Be responsible for your own learning. WORK HARD!

    • You are expected to follow all school rules while in my classroom (ie. No hoods/hats, no food or drink, etc.)

Extra Help: I am here for help... just ask! I am in Room E-109 in the morning and after school.

In order for a successful year, it is imperative that you abide by all school and classroom rules. You are responsible for your behavior and will be held accountable for any and all of your actions. We need to have respect for everyone in the classroom in order to have a productive learning environment.

Basically, I will do my best to teach you, but you need to do your best to learn. If we all do our part, this will be a great year!!