
The mission of the Ed Tech Teachers (ETT) team is to empower technology integration in the classroom through timely, relevant, and relaxed professional development opportunities from people who know you and your situation best - your colleagues in your building.

How can I begin?

The materials provided here are intended to be used in a facilitator led, collaborative setting, but they can also be viewed at your own timing and pace with less interactivity.

Module 3: ONE Computer

Its a common site for students in primary grades to use a single computer as a station for learning in small groups, but a rare sight for secondary level teachers. Learn some ways your students can quickly use your ONE computer. Coming soon...

Module 4: SMART Notebook Strategies

Unleash the interactive power of your classroom's SMARTBoard by exploring ways you can step aside as the stage and let your students work at the SMARTBoard while you facilitate. Coming soon...

Module 5: Cellphones

Educational uses for cellphones?! There ARE rich opportunities to take advantage of in a classroom friendly to students' internet and text-messaging devices. Explore some with us!