

“Does Facial Structure Explain Differences in Students Evaluations of Teaching? The Role of fWHR as a Proxy for Perceived Dominance”, Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 54, August 2024, with Francisco Pino and David Diaz. Read here:,ZjejvGnJ

"Impact of an extension of maternity leave on mother and infant's health", Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 37(1), March 2024, with Cristobal Bennet, Fabián Duarte and Isabel Poblete.  Read here: 

"Does Economics Make You Sexist?", accepted for publication in the Review of Economics and Statistics, with Daniele Paserman and Francisco Pino.

“Mixed but not Scrambled: Gender Gaps in Co-Ed Schools with Single-Sex Classrooms”, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2022.

“Grading system and student effort”, Education Finance and Policy, Vol. 12, Winter 2017. 

“A teacher like me or a student like me? Role model versus teacher bias effect”, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 39, April 2014. 

“Chile: academic performance and educational management under a rigid employment regime", Cepal Review, December 2009, with Ricardo D. Paredes 

"What do women want? Female suffrage and the size of government", Economics Systems, Vol. 42(1), March 2018, with Claudio Bravo-Ortega and Nicolás Eterovic 

"Female participation in the Parliament. Are we ever going to converge to Scandinavia?", Economic Systems, Vol. 44(2), June 2020, with Claudio Bravo-Ortega and Nicolás Eterovic 

Working Papers:

"The Cost of Following Traditional Gender Norms: Evidence from a Paid Leave for Seriously Ill Children", Valentina Paredes, Francisca Perez, Francisco Pino and Patricia Olmedo. IZA Discussion Paper No. 16762, Available at SSRN:  

"Do students improve their academic achievement when assigned to a growth mindset teacher? Evidence from Census Data in Chile using a Student Fixed Effect Design", Susana Claro, Valentina Paredes, Verónica Cabezas and Gabriel Cruz. EdWorkingPaper: 21-402, May 2021. 

“Does Facial Structure Explain Differences in Students Evaluations of Teaching? The Role of Perceived Dominance”, Valentina Paredes, Francisco Pino and David Díaz. Serie Documentos de Trabajo, No. 483, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile 

"Does Economics Make You Sexist?", Valentina Paredes, Daniele Paserman and Francisco Pino. NBER Working Paper No. 27070, May 2020. 

“Mixed but not Scrambled Gender Gaps in Single-Sex Classrooms”, Valentina Paredes. Serie Documentos de Trabajo, No. 470, Department of Economics, Universidad de Chile 

Work in progress:

"Where are the missing babies: the role of higher education access on family planning", with Fabián Duarte and Pablo Troncoso

"School Segregation in Chile: Residence, co-payment or preferences", with Felipe Arteaga and Ricardo Paredes

"Effect of Single-Sex Schools on Major Choice", with Fabián Duarte

"What’s the Value of the Teacher? Mechanisms and Impacts of Teacher Absenteeism on Student Achievement”, with Andreas Aron and Álvaro Carril