About YADAA:

YADAA stands for Youth Against Drugs And Alcohol. It is a leadership group that works towards helping the student body make healthy life choices for their lives in and out of school. We work together to find funding for the program, we spend time mentoring students in the elementary and middle school, and we do community projects. If you are interested in being a positive role model for other students then don't miss out on this opportunity!


Red Cross Blood Drives

Throughout the year, YADAA sponsors Red Cross Blood Drives. Not only does this help save lives but these events also allow us to give scholarships to Fall River graduating seniors.


Post-Homecoming Game Movie

Homecoming is an exciting time for students, but also it is a dangerous time when bad or unsafe decisions can be made. YADAA hosts a post-homecoming game movie to provide a safe and fun environment for students to spend time.


Post-Prom Lock-In

Prom is another one of those exciting times for students, but also has typically be a day known to be concerned about by teachers, parents, and community. Once again YADAA provides a safe place for students to have fun and ease the minds of parents, teachers, and community. Post prom is a blast! Tons of activities, lots of food, and huge prizes. Don't miss out on this night!


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