Published papers 

Diestre, L., Lumineau, F., Durand, R. 2023. Litigate or Let it Go? Multi-Market Contact and IP Infringement-Litigation Dynamics. Research Policy. 52(6): 104784

Diestre, L., Montauti, M., Pinto, H. 2023. Someone Else to Blame: The Effectiveness of Ego- and Alter-Centric Impression Management Tactics in the US Food Retail Industry. Organization Science. 34(3): 1134-1156

Barber, B., Diestre, L.  2022. Can Firms Avoid Tough Patent Examiners Through "Examiner-Shopping"? Strategic Timing of Citations in USPTO Patent Applications. Strategic Management Journal. 43(9): 1854-1871

Diestre, L., Santaló, J. 2020. Why do Firms Suffer Differently From Input Stigmatization? The Costs of Removing Stigmatized Inputs. Organization Science, 31(1): 47-66.

Diestre, L., Barber, B., Santaló, J. 2020. The Friday Effect: Firm Lobbying, the Timing of Drug Safety Alerts, and Drug Side-Effects. Management Science, 66(8): 3677-3698.

Barber, B., Diestre, L. 2019. Pushing for Speed or Scope? Pharmaceutical Lobbying and FDA Drug Review. Strategic Management Journal, 40(8): 1194-1218.

Diestre, L. 2018. Product Liability Crises and R&D Outsourcing Alliances: Which Governance Mode Minimizes Negative Spillovers? Research Policy, 47(10): 1904-1917. 

Diestre, L., Rajagopalan, N., Dutta, S. 2015. Constraints in Acquiring and Utilizing Directors' Experience: An Empirical Study of New Market Entry in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Strategic Management Journal, 36: 339-359.

Diestre, L., Rajagopalan, N. 2014. Response to Mason and Drakeman's Commentary on "Fishing for Sharks: Partner Selection in Biopharmaceutical R&D Alliances", Strategic Management Journal, 35: 1566-1568.

Diestre, L., Rajagopalan, N. 2014. Toward an Input-based Perspective on Categorization: Investor Reactions to Chemical Accidents, Academy of Management Journal, 57: 1130-1153.

Diestre, L., Rajagopalan, N. 2012. Are all ‘Sharks’ Dangerous? New Biotechnology Ventures and Partner Selection in R&D Alliances. Strategic Management Journal, 33: 1115–1134.

Kock, C.J., Santaló, J, Diestre, L. 2012. Corporate Governance and the Environment: Bad Discretion, Good Discretion, and Environmental Firm Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 49(3): 492–514.

Diestre, L., Rajagopalan, N. 2011. An Environmental Perspective on Diversification: The effects of Chemical Relatedness and Regulatory Sanctions. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1): 97–115.

Work in progress

Diestre, L., Fazio, A., Fuentes, Y. Buy Legal or Illegal? How Side-Effect Risks and Medical Malpractice Risks Shape Illegal Pharmacies' Sales.

Diestre, L., Fazio, A., Fuentes, Y. Unregulated Pharmaceuticals? Patients' Adverse Drug Reactions to Drugs Bought from Illegal Online Pharmacies.


Pinto, H., Montauti, M., Diestre, L. All the Right Junk in All the Wrong Places: The Incidence of Stigma in the Food Retail Market, 2006-2015.