Home 2022-2023

Welcome to the World

Mr. Kennedy’s class

U. S. Government


World War Two

The Holocaust

For class notes, information, study guides and Power Points go to the Google Classroom for your class. If it isn't there, email me and I will correct the problem.

My background in Geography includes both undergraduate work and a master’s degree in Geography from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. I am active in the South Carolina Geographic Alliance and the National Geographic Society. I spent four summers James Madison University in Virginia studying methods of introducing geographic information systems and global positioning systems in the classroom and attended the ESRI Education Conference in San Diego. This is my 34th year of teaching. Previously, I taught middle school social studies and special education. The emotionally disabled student is my specialty in within special education. In addition, I taught an undergraduate World Geography class at Greenville Tech’s Greer Campus at night and for two years, I taught a master’s level geography night class for Converse College in Spartanburg for seven years. I have had an article published in the professional geographic journal FOCUS and in 2001 and the governor of Kentucky commissioned me to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, the highest honor the state can bestow.

The syllabi for my classes will be located in the file cabinet.