Kick Off

ESUCC NCSA BlendEd Pilot Project - Kick Off

March 14, 2018 (Kearney) & March 15, 2018 (Lincoln)

Both days will consist of the same content.


Participating schools will send teams (up to five members: including administrators, tech coordinators, and teacher leaders) to a one-day seminar organized by the Highlander Institute, a global leader in BlendEd implementation. The seminar will be presented at two locations on two dates. Teams will attend the location closest or date that is most convenient. The purpose of this seminar will be to help participating schools selected from the application process to establish a systems approach for supporting BlendEd. School leadership teams will walk away with a clearer understanding of BlendEd at a systems level and a rough draft of a two year plan for implementation.


The morning will focus on answering two guiding questions.

"What is a systems approach to BlendEd?" The Highlander Institute will first establish a shared vision of school-wide BlendEd implementation.

"What is my role in a systems approach to BlendEd?" Teams will be split into role specific groups (administrators, tech coordinators, teacher leaders, and ESU support staff) to explore their roles in working toward school-wide BlendEd implementation.

In the afternoon, the Highlander Institute will present best practices for establishing a roadmap for school-wide BlendEd implementation within the context of the supports offered through the ESUCC NCSA BlendEd Pilot Project. School teams will then have time to create personalized two-year implementation plans.