FAQs about the BlendEd Pilot

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BlendEd?

BlendEd enhances best practices associated with face to face classrooms by leveraging technology to empower students with control over place, time, pace and path of learning. Teachers provide anyplace anytime access to their classes online. Personalizing education, students gain more control over the pace and path of learning.

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Why focus on BlendEd?

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) and the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council (ESUCC) established three statewide initiatives in the Spring of 2013. One of these is supporting and promoting BlendEd.

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What is the ESUCC NCSA BlendEd Pilot Project?

Much work has been done across the state to provide professional learning opportunities for teachers promoting BlendEd. While across the state there are pockets of teachers doing great things, there are few examples of school-wide implementation of BlendEd. The purpose of the ESUCC NCSA BlendEd Pilot Project is to help participating schools establish a systemic approach to promoting BlendEd practices.

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What is a systemic approach to BlendEd?

A systemic approach to BlendEd involves collaboration among administrators, technology coordinators, teacher leaders, and ESU support staff to establish a sustainable BlendEd implementation plan.

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