
CEFS Economic Opportunity Corporation

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Program (WIOA)

Olney Central College

305. N. West Street, Olney, IL (Room 208 A)


WIOA provides activities that increase employment, retention, earnings, and skills in the American workforce.

Community Support Systems

1902 Miller Drive, Olney, IL


The Community Employment Program assists individuals with disabilities with job placement and job coaching services at host employers throughout an individual’s local community.

Department of REhabiliation Services (DRS)

1112 S. West Street, Olney, IL


Assistance for people with disabilities looking for jobs or living independently.

illinois Department of Employment Security


IDES provides employment services to employers and job seekers throughout Illinois.​

job corps

1-800-733-JOBS (5627)

Job Corps helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment.