Welcome to Resource Room with Mrs. Gashi!

Welcome Back! I am so happy to be back in person with students this year. This is my fourteenth year of teaching at Memorial School. I look forward to a great year of fun and learning! 

Accomodations, Modifications & Supports for Homework


Give single step directions

Repeat directions/clarify


Flexible seating (standing, kneeling, sitting, etc.)

Quiet, non-distracting area

Offer frequent movement breaks (jumping jacks, take a walk, get a drink of cold water)

*Break assignments into shorter intervals. Allow for sensory breaks or movement.

*Student responses can vary. Have your child write down his/her answers or dictate them if writing becomes difficult. Give extended time on assignments. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via email agashi@emersonschools.org

Thank you,

Mrs. Gashi 

Important Usernames & Passwords

BrainPop Jr.


Username: emersonmes

Password: brainpop16

Pebble Go


Username: Memorialschool

Password: school

Scholastic (different from Scholastic News)


PBS Kids 
