Custom Apparel & Accessories


Custom Apparel & Accessories (CAA) is a creative clothing pathway that combines embroidery and vinyl pressing. Members first create the academy polos and then are free to create and sell anything they desire using embroidery machines and sewing machines. CAA has software that allows people to download any images from the internet, or present designs already downloaded to the machines. This department fully allows everyone to be included in the creative and designing process. Be sure to order your items today!


Our goal within CAA is to produce products that are both appealing and school-spirited. We also want to be better organized, in order to ensure that all of our members are included as a part of the team.

Members will:

  • make the Academy polos

  • take requests from the community and school for customized items

  • make their own creations

  • be able to sell their own work

Head Manager(s): Genesis Palencia, Bella Hobbs, Montana Hawley

Members: Kalyn White, Gracie Herrington, Simon Soursa, Robyn Valdivieso, Arianna Mendiola, Natalia Zelaya, & Briana Lopez