AP Spanish IV

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22/23 AP Spanish IV Syllabus

Tutoring for Spanish IV

23/24 Tarea del verano para Español IV AP-Due 1st week of class

Apuntes para español IV- AP

Keynotes in google classroom: Span III

Hay que organizar tus apuntes de gramática. Hay que poner todos tus apuntes en este orden. Los que no tienes, hay que encontrarlos y copiarlos. Tienes todo el verano para completar esta actividad. 

*Your notes need to be complete with all 6 forms of verbs, irregulars, stem changers. They need to include examples of how to use them as well. They should look like what you would copy from keynotes in class. It is ok to copy these from a classmate. You must have hard copies of them all to put in your notebook. I will NOT accept printed copies of the Keynotes. Please take the time to personally copy the notes.  

Antes de entregarlas, numerarlas 1 a 22(Number them and put them in order 1-22. You may use front and backs of pages).

1._____Present tense(regular verbs: ar/er/ir all 6 forms, shoe verbs). 

2._____Present tense(irregular verbs all 6 forms) 

3._____Reflexive verbs in present tense(examples of ar/er/ir)

4._____ Familiar ‘tú’ commands, ‘imperative tu’ (si y no)

5._____Formal commands ‘usted y ustedes’ (si y no)

6._____Preterit tense(regular verbs; ar/er/ir).  *We will do these in class this week

7._____Preterit irregular verbs(all verbs from song). 

8._____Preterit stem changers(car, gar, zar/ir verbs/y) 

9._____Present progressive(estar con ando/iendo)

10._____Present perfect(haber con ado/ido)

11._____ Possessive adjectives(mi/mis..,)/possessive pronouns

12._____Verbs like ‘gustar’(all 6 forms) and other verbs that are similar

13._____Imperfect tense w/irregulars(ar/er/ir)

14. ____Subjunctive mode forms(reg/irreg/stemchange) *

15. _____Subjunctive mode* expressions(impersonal/volition/emotion)

16. _____por y para

17. _____ser y estar

18. _____ directo/indirect object pronouns(and all 3 different placements)

19. _____ el futuro(all regular, irregular verbs)

20. _____ el condicional(all regular, irregular verbs)

21._____Subjunctive w/ doubt expressions and use

22._____ Subjunctive w/ adjective clauses(no existe), expressions and use

      Weekly Agenda   Need to see what we did in class?   Scroll down to see previous weeks.


AP Spanish IV  Week 1




Weekly pacing guide:   What you should do when:
