
Library- Amie Swearingen

Fourth Grade students will have a regularly scheduled library time each week but are welcome to visit during the week as needed to select new books and take AR tests. There is no limit on the number of books a student can checkout. During the year, students will independently navigate the Destiny online catalog and Big Universe, our online eBook subscription. They will also use Ebsco Explora, one of our online research subscriptions. We will also be reading a variety of stories and genres. Quarterly updates about what we are reading can be found on my website, as well as logins to the online resources and information about Birthday Book Club.

Religion- Pastor Lisa

The fourth grade religion curriculum is a careful study of the Old Testament, with special attention given to the application of the stories’ lessons to our daily lives, relationships, and choices. Students read together from the Bible, engage in reflective discussion, and write thoughtful responses to questions based on content, context, and connection.

4th Grade Music- Clinton Weaver

PE- Katie Andrews

Fourth grade students will enjoy Physical Education class three times a week for 45 minutes each class. In order to participate, students must be prepared with tennis shoes or sneakers on. If PE falls on a chapel day, girls must wear shorts under the chapel dress.

Throughout the year, fourth grade students work very hard to learn a wide variety of skills and concepts that relate to physical development and movement, healthy decision-making, and good sportsmanship conduct. Upon completion of fourth grade, students will be able to:

Demonstrate changes in speed with different pathways, levels, and directions in game-like settings.

Perform a series of choreography for line dances.

Demonstrate how to throw correctly to a stationary partner, while moving, at varying distances.

Demonstrate how to combine manipulative skills with partners and in activities.

Demonstrate the five manipulative skills using all correct skill cues with partners, small groups, and modified games.

Understand all five health-related fitness assessments and exercises that develop muscular strength, endurance, flexibility.

Participates in numerous bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity for less than 20 minutes of time during and outside of school and understands the positive effects of cumulative exercise.

Understand at least five obesity prevention behaviors.

Use praise and other types of encouraging words appropriately.

Accepts responsibility for one’s own performance without blaming others.

Please check the P.E. website often to see what your child is up to!

Art- Kristen Heinlein

In 4th grade, our budding artists will begin communicating values, opinions, and personal insights through their art. 4th graders will learn about contour drawing and use shading to create value and depth. Students will work on creating artwork in a variety of media as they continue discovering new artists and techniques.

Computer/Technology - in Homeroom

As of 2018-2019, students no longer go to Mrs. Owens for computer class. 4th grade students continue to build on the tech skills learned in 3rd grade, focusing on developing a more in depth knowledge of many of their iPad tools, such as iMovie and Keynote. Internet research skills, keyboarding, designing presentations, coding, and a new digital citizenship curriculum are all components of the fourth grade technology program.

Spanish- Sonia Puerta-Quinn

4th grade students receive instruction in Spanish two times each week for 45 minutes. Spanish at this level continues to focus on conversational skills, builds and reinforces vocabulary and introduces some basic grammar points. At this level the students start to communicate with a purpose to include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Basic grammar rules and phonological awareness are introduced and emphasized throughout the year.

- ¡Bienvenidos! (Greetings, Feelings, Commands, Numbers)

- El salón de clase. (The classroom)

-Animales de varios colores. (Animals, colors, sizes, and shapes)

-¿Adónde vas hoy? (Classes, locations, activities, numbers)

-¿Qué estación te gusta?(Weather and Seasons)

- ¿Qué fecha es hoy? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? (Calendar, Birthdays,)

-¿Qué tienes? (Verb TENER and Tener expressions)

-¿Qué hora es? (Telling time)

- ¿Cómo se deletrea? El alfabeto. (The alphabet and spelling in Spanish)

-¿Dónde se habla español? (Hispanic culture and geography)