Language Arts

During Language Arts, we learn about and practice writing, grammar, and word work. In our Writing Workshop, we write using all parts of the writing process. These include planning (prewriting), drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. We have one-to-one conferences and small group discussions about our writing. We learn about grammar and language use throughout the school year, beginning with a review of the parts of speech in our mini-lessons. We build our vocabulary in many ways, working on Spelling and also learning about the stems that are the building blocks of many words.

Here are some of the things we will write about:

  • We write in our Writing Workshop, learning about the process of writing, and we share our writing in our monthly Writing Chair.

  • We learn how to research by: Asking a Big Question (or questions), Seeking Information, Organizing Information, and then Sharing our Information.

  • We write a personal narrative about ourselves.

  • We research Native American people groups who have lived in Wisconsin and throughout the United States. We share what we have learned with each other.

  • We research European explorers, write about what we learned, and create a Google presentation about the explorers.

  • We write a news article, human interest story, editorial, advertisement, or editorial cartoon about the American Revolution for our newspaper. We work together in departments and edit each others' work.

  • We read and write poetry, discovering ways to use strong verbs and nouns in our descriptive writing. We learn how figurative language helps us to create vivid sensory details in our writing.

  • We research a state for the GEO Fair and write about what we have learned. We present what we have learned to our classmates.

  • We learn how to write about our opinion in a persuasive essay, using evidence to support our opinion.

  • We write in our journals, sometimes using prompts to guide us. We even take on the 30-Day Writing Challenge to round out our school year.