
7th and 8th grade lessons Listed below!

*** Below is the last assignment due !! I have not added more work !!

8th GRADE: ACTIVITY: The Green House Effect


**complete your "Greenhouse in a Jar" experiment first ! (see below)

*After you have completed your experiment, this is your LAB CONCLUSION assignment:

Investigate: How are Greenhouse gases created :

1. Compile a list of 10 INDICATORS of global warming

2. Create a pie chart or graph that represents the sources or causes of the greenhouse effect

3. Discuss 5 ways humans could reduce greenhouse gas emissions

See diagrams below for help !

See the diagram below to help you understand the Greenhouse effect and cause of global warming.

We will try to simulate the Greenhouse effect in a jar !

Your set up will be similar to the diagram below:

You will need:



-2 clear jars or bottles

-1 or 2 thermometers

-plastic (saran ) wrap

-rubber band


Assemble the jars/bottles as you see above:

1. add soil to each jar/bottle

2. add water to moisten the soil

3. place a thermometer in each jar/bottle

4. cover ONE of the jars/bottles with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band( or put the cap on !)

5. Record the initial temperature inside each jar.

6.Place the jars near a bright bulb or out in the sunlight for 20 minutes recording the temperature in each jar every 5 minutes ( make a CHART !)


Before you place the jars in the sun/light source form a hypothesis as to what the temperature difference(if any) will be in each jar

After 20 minutes:

-is the temperature the same in each jar/bottle ?

-is one a higher temperature ?? Which one ?

-calculate the difference between the 2 temperatures

-was your hypothesis correct ? If there was a difference in the 2 temperatures, why ?

How are the jars you assembled like a GREENHOUSE ?

email me your work at : bbeasty@eastamwell.org

7th grade: ASSIGNMENT: 6/15-6/17


Complete your experiment/drawings for: Conditioning a response in an ANIMAL ! SEE BELOW !!


Comparing a INHERITED or INNATE response to a CONDITIONED response

**In your experiment you created a CONDITIONED RESPONSE

1. How is a conditioned response/action different from an INHERITED or INNATE response ?

2. How does an INHERITED or INNATE response/action help an animal survive ?

3. List 5 different INHERITED/INNATE animal responses

4. What could happen if the animal did not inherit this behavior ?

See diagrams below for help !!

Conditioning a reponse in an animal:




Look at the diagram below

What is/are the STIMULUS in this diagram?

What is/are the RESPONSE in this diagram ?

EXPLAIN how this experiment has "trained" the dog to salivate when a bell is rung !!


Design an experiment to teach an animal a "CONDITIONED RESPONSE !"

*Your experiment should have at least 4 steps like the one above.

You may:

-OUTLINE your experiment in writing

-DRAW the steps of your experiment

-CUT/PASTE pictures of your experiment

-And by all means, VIDEO your experiment if you train your very own pet !!!

email me your work : bbeasty@eastamwell.org


7th and 8th grade:Endangered Species assigment

* please complete the assignments listed below first, then work on the endangered species assignment !

*8th: water purification system

*7th: Liquid layering and density

May 15 was Endangered Species Day !

As a school wide project, the Environmental Club was planning on hosting a contest that would involve adopting an endangered species. With school being closed, the club was unable to continue with their contest.

We will revisit the contest with this assignment :

Awareness of Endangered Animal Species !

Endangered Species awareness assignment/contest:

1. Explore reasons why some animal species have become endangered. Compile a list and explanation of as many HUMAN ACTIVITIES you can find that are resulting in endangered animal species-email me this list !

These charts should help you get started:

2. Do some research an choose and endangered animal species you would like to make a FACT SHEET about.

**helpful links below,or just google the World Wildlife Fund:




3. Create a FACT SHEET for the Endangered Animal you chose.

Your fact sheet can be on a google doc, hand drawn, a "cut and paste" worksheet....it is up to you !

The "FACTS" your fact sheet might include are:

-geographic location(s)


-diet, size, weight, length, life span....



-human activities or causes of loss animal population

-what we can do to save your species

-the number of your species that are surviving/remaining

-include a PICTURE or DRAWING !

Here are a few examples:

4. Email your fact sheet to me !

-Each animal/species I receive will generate a "ticket" for that animal.

-The "ticket" will then go into a drawing. Mr. Capuano pick the winning "ticket!"

-Student Council will then send a donation to the WWF in the name of the winning animal species!

Email me your:

-human activities list (#1 above)

-animal species fact sheet (#3 above)


PAST 7th and 8th grade assignments:

5/4-5/8 Human Impacts Unit: Water Purification

Problem: Can you make a water purification system using household items ?


-filtration apparatus (water bottle, soda bottle,..)

-substances/materials to layer in your apparatus

-"dirty water" : a glass of muddy water !

-a clean "catch" glass or container

Check out the pictures below for helpful hints and ideas

-Layer as many substances in your filtering apparatus as you like!

-Mix dirt in a glass of tap water and pour this through your filtering system you design

-Catch the filtered water in a glass or another bottle

Documentation for me !!

1. A picture of your "DIRTY" and "FILTERED" water !

2. A picture of your FILTRATION APPARATUS

3. A list of the MATERIALS you used to filter the water

other past assignments

4/27-5/1: Question: How Much Water do you use ??

This week you will create a chart to track how much water you use in 2 days.

* Use the information and key below to help you generate a chart to record and tally your water use.


-the water use "activity"(washing hands, taking a shower, brushing your teeth...)

-# of times for each activity for DAY 1

-#of times for each activity for DAY 2

-Total amount of water used in gallons for each activity over the 2 day period.


Activity and amount of gallons used:

-washing hands= .5 gal

-taking a shower= # minutes x 5 gal per minute

-taking a bath= 40 gal

-flushing toilet= 5 gal

-brushing teeth= 1/2 gal

-food/drink consumed= 1/2 gal per day

After completing your chart share it with me !

Tell me: which activity consumed the MOST water over the 2 day period ????

Due 4/24: Build your "item" made from trash !!

**email me a picture of your Trash item you built so I can give you credit

My email to send me any work you have done: bbeasty@eastamwell.org

7th GRADE :


PROBLEM: Can you hypothesize the DENSITY of different liquids to create a column of stacked liquids ?

First-Think back to our Liquid "viscosity" lab we did in March, or google "viscosity and density" of liquids for help.


-several different liquids with varying "thicknesses" or densities (soda, shampoo, honey, syrup, juice, oil,...)

**5-7 liquids give the best results

-A TALL glass or clear container-it does not have to be wide....a narrow container works the best !

-spoon, turkey baster, syringe, or large eye dropper


1. Form a hypothesis as to which liquids are the most to least dense and how they will stack. Record this.

2. Carefully STACK or LAYER the liquids from bottom (most dense) to top in your container/glass

HINTS: -try to use the same amount of each liquid

-slowly trickle the liquid down the side of your container

-allow each layer to settle before adding the next

3. Once you have your liquids stacked take a picture and send to me !!

4. Conclusion:

-How is the density of each liquid related to how the liquids stacked ??

-List your liquids from MOST to LEAST dense as best represented by the results of your lab

-draw how the molecules are arranged in your MOST and LEAST dense liquid


4/27-5/1: Household Chemistry

Problem: What common household products will clean a tarnished, oxidized penny the best ?

Step 1: What is oxidation ? google it !!

Step 2: Gather the following lab materials

-6 household liquids (coffee, soda, water, milk,...)

-6 dull tarnished pennies

-6 containers for your "reaction" to take place in

Step 3: Form a HYPOTHESIS:

*rank the liquids from best (1) to worst(6) regarding how shiny each penny will become.

Step 4: Set up your reaction by placing each penny in a different liquid. Let the penny sit in the liquid for 2 days.

Step 5: After 2 days observe your results. Record all observations in a data chart.

Conclusion: quickly EXPLAIN your results !

Share your work and results with me !!


** place your work in a folder/binder, or perhaps a "Remote Science Work" portfolio for credit. This will help keep all your work for Science organized!

Here is my email if you need me : bbeasty@eastamwell.org