Principal's Corner

Mr. Brown

Welcome to the 2023 school year!

We at Tuttle hope that you got to find some quality time over this past summer: time with family and friends, spent doing some of the things you enjoy.

Our theme for this year will be Staying on Track. There are many things that offer to present obstacles: time, space, money, commitments. But… there is much to be said about setting a goal and staying on track moving toward it. Whether a personal goal, such as fitness, a social goal (I’ll call my friends more often), or an academic goal such as improving my vocabulary, there are roads that lead us there. There are individuals who stand by us and support us as we reach toward these goals.

And, as I said, there are obstacles.

Obstacles that attempt to derail us, slow down our progress or even grind that progress to a halt.

Find ways to take a step back, identify those obstacles, and find ways around them, through them,over them, under them, just to keep on track.

This year will be about setting goals, determining a course of action, and seeing it through.

Set one goal for yourself for this year, and write it down. Have it be your “path” or your “track” that you will stick with for this year, stay on track, and watch what growth happens.

Chris Brown, Principal, Tuttle School