Perfecto Mancha Elementary

3269 Fletcher Blvd

Eagle Pass, TX 78852

TEL: (830) 758-7216

FAX: (830) 758-7201

Principal: Sandra Koenig


Perfecto Mancha Elementary dominates Fletcher Boulevard and is home to 467 Mighty Mustangs. 

The campus has proudly serviced students in 1st - 6th grade since 2010.

PERFECTO MANCHA'S ELEMENTARY GOAL is for every PM student to achieve at high levels, as measured by district, state, and national standards. Our goals are to ensure all children receive a high-quality education, and to close the achievement gap between children meeting the challenging State standards and those children who are not meeting such standards.

PERFECTO MANCHA ELEMENTARY goals for student achievement are:

1. Promote Parent, Family and Community Engagement.

2. Educate and meet the needs of all learners.

3. Hire, develop and retain quality staff.

4. Promote a safe environment for all stakeholders.

New Beginnings, New  Successes


Through the partnership and efforts of a committed, qualified and caring staff, our goal and

vision is to produce students who will become lifelong learners, critical thinkers and effective

communicators by demonstrating exemplary behavior and performance in their endeavors. This

school year, we will be committed to establishing and building an image of respect through

parental involvement in the education of OUR children. One of the greatest things that we will

offer in this school is QUALITY education! This year we will lay the foundation to become a

school of EXCELLENCE. We will become a school that will meet the highest standards in all

district and state assessments. We will embark in an era where technology integration in the

daily curriculum is a must in order to meet the needs of the 21 st century. 

As you also know, in order to achieve as a team, we must come together as a staff that has

common goals. Our highest priority is student achievement! Our students will meet our

highest expectations if we as professional educators become committed to the vision and goals

of our profession, campus, and grade level and most important to our students. Again, we will

become successful, if we act, think and work as a TEAM who always has the best interest of

our students in mind. We need to identify and establish leadership teams. Administrators, Grade

Level Chairs, Reading and Literacy teachers will work together to meet the challenge of STAAR.

At Perfecto Mancha Elementary – Failure will NOT be an option. 


It is an established expectation that our staff will come together and work as a TEAM of caring

professionals that will provide our students educational opportunities that will enable them to

grow and become productive citizens in our society. It is an established expectation of our

TEAM to treat every student in a fair and consistent manner with the respect they deserve as

children and students. It is an established expectation for every member of our TEAM to

provide a positive learning experience every day and for 100% time on task. Together we can

and will accomplish our goals of EXEMPLARY! Remember we are a TEAM and we will become

successful. Have a great and successful school year!

School Spirit

School Colors: Red & Black

School Mascot: Mustangs

Mustang Creed

As a proud Mancha Mustang,

I will be ready to learn and accept the challenge to be the best.

I will be responsible, On-Task, actively involved and respectful.

I will strive to keep my campus safe.

Mustangs Fight!

Signature Programs

Required Postings

Performance | Demographics