Classics Department

Good morning, good morning the teacher said,

as he marched through present and perfects -

enough the children said, lest we lose our way

on this beautiful and sunny summer's day

Welcome to the Classics website page which should be able to take you through to the required grades in both internal and external examinations.

Below are various folders and inside the folders are sub-folders. With apologies for errors (do tell me) you should be able to download the vocab, grammar and background.

1. Bob Bass essential grammar - this is four different levels of explanations and grammar required for year 6 (level 1), year 7 (level 2, Year 8 (level 3) and a GCSE survival guide.

2. Grammar and constructions - When converted you will be able to find sheets on the grammar and constructions covered.

3. Greek Mythology stories required for Year 6, 7 and 8 for CE. This includes Year 6 holiday work.

4. Year 7/8 CE vocab contains all the pps and vocab blocks covered and revised from Year 7. All these shhets have been given to the children, but if they have lost/eaten/ burnt/ dropped into Mount Etna (Simon Urry's excuse) theirs....There is also a sub folder of simple memorisation tests although memrise etc is much better!

Please bear with me as I have had to rewrite much of what was on the old website so that it is suitable for this.

Email me any problems